(USA) Chicago UBF February United Friday Meeting Overview

In February, we met on the first Friday to hear some key verse testimonies, as well as testimonies from the previous three passages. The meeting was on ZOOM and in person. J*ason H. from NEIU shared his key verse testimony on James 1:22-25, to be a man who does what the Bible says, not just reads it. Dr. J*ames H. shared in 1 Corinthians 10:31, to care for his body for the glory of God after a year of battling cancer. Next we had two testimonies from Daniel 6 - Daniel in the Lion’s Den. D*anny M., a student at UIC, and D*ayani P., a seasoned prayer warrior who testified to the power of prayer. C*hristian M. and S*ammy S. shared on Luke 2, the boy Jesus in the temple - Christian the mother of 4 young children, identifying with Jesus’ parents, and Sammy, a high school student, identifying with young Jesus. V*ictor R. shared on Psalm 51, repenting for his sin and claiming Jesus’ forgiveness. We also had two important announcements regarding a church wide survey and Easter conference registration. After the first hour, we split into small groups to share testimonies, prayer topics and pray together. It was a blessed time of fellowship in God’s word and prayer.