Hyde Park ubf (University of Chicago) Bible House Report

We thank God for blessing the University of Chicago/Hyde Park ministry to purchase a bible house which is now being remodeled. Five years ago, 3 families moved to Hyde Park to pioneer University of Chicago campus. We didn’t have a place to have our worship services, bible studies and fellowship meetings. So we prayed that God may give us a bible house, even though, financially, it was impossible for us to purchase a bible house. For a meantime we used Pastor Joshua Hong’s condominium, but the neighbors complained. We used the Bond Chapel which is located right inside the Quadrangle of the campus. But soon, we had a problem with the administration and we could no longer use the chapel for our worship service. So, we went back to the Hong’s condo temporarily until we found Hyde Park Neighborhood Club which is also located near the campus. We rented a room to have our worship service. But every Sunday we had visitors crawling and running in the ceiling right above us, which was bothersome especially during the message. After one year, we moved to a nice and gracious place, the Lutheran School of Theology which is also near the campus. We stayed there for about 3 years. By God’s grace in August 2010, God granted us a bible house just about a mile away from the campus. The building was used by Hindu women who served their Hindu Temple right next to the building. It was only by God’s grace that we could purchase a bible house. The remodeling is half way done. We began to use the bible house for our worship services, bible studies, and fellowship meetings at the beginning of this year. We are praying that God may use this bible house to glorify his name and raise disciples of Jesus among University of Chicago students.
