Sri-Lanka Ministry Report and Prayer Topics

I. The work of the word of God and Bible conferences in 2010

I served messages on the entire gospel of Matthew, all 47 lectures. Through this, I came to know the kingdom of heaven deeply and could have a living hope in the kingdom of heaven.

From April 3-4, we had our Easter Bible Conference at Sbodi Catholic Education Center.  Lecture 1 was “The suffering servant” (Isaiah 53) by Brother P. Lecture 2 was “He has risen” (Matthew 28) by Brother R. All together, 13 members, including my family, participated in this conference: P, R., Paul, J., K. and his father and mother, and M. Kim. After Lecture 1, we saw a short movie about a father bear’s love for his cub. We were moved by the movie because it showed well God’s love for us. In the night, we had a candle ceremony prepared by M. Kim. Through this, we received God’s grace that our old selves died with our Lord Jesus’ death on the cross and we were born again through the blood of Christ Jesus.

We had a summer Bible camp from September 10-12 at Athurugiriya Christian Hall. M. Barnabas’ family and Luke’s family and three Bible students, P, N., and S., participated in the camp. M. Barnabas delivered Lecture 1, “The one whose thousand talents were cancelled” and Lecture 2, “You are the Christ.” M. Luke delivered Lecture 3, “Jesus who was forsaken on the cross.” M. Aroma and Sarah shared their life testimonies. Though the Bible students we expected did not come, it was meaningful to have the camp with the new missionary family of M. Luke’s. We enjoyed the camp with our children and Bible students, having a campfire and barbeque party. Dr. P. was expected to deliver Lecture 2, but he was sick, so M. Barnabas did it in his stead. Brother N. and Sister S. wrote their life testimonies and shared them with us. Usually in Sri-Lanka people do not reveal their private matters at a public meeting, but N. and S. were encouraged by the missionaries’ frank life testimonies, so they also wrote about their life and shared them with us. Dr. P. reflected on how God guided his life and confessed that Jesus was his Christ and Eternal Father.

On December 25, we had a Christmas worship service. M. Barnabas delivered the message, “To us a child is born” (Isaiah 9:6). My third son, Shin Mog, and M. Luke’s sons, Samuel and Daniel, did a worship dance. Andrew, Nelson, M. Luke, and I performed a piece together with our musical instruments. After that, we had a dinner party. M. Kim came and decorated our center beautifully with flowers. All together, 22 members joined our Christmas worship.

1. A new missionary family and the new center

M. Luke and M. Sarah, who came from the Kangreung chapter in Korea and had served the Kwandong University ministry faithfully, joined the Sri-Lanka ministry with their two children, Samuel and Daniel, on June 18. They could have lived a comfortable life in Korea as a recognized teacher and nurse, but they accepted God’s calling through Isaiah 49:6, “a light for the Gentiles,” and by faith came to Sri-Lanka even though there was no guarantee that they would be able to support themselves financially. They are warriors of prayer and have become a great help to our ministry and Aroma Institute. For the first three months, there were no students for them in the institute, so they ran out of money. But they did not despair, but cried out in prayer every day. From the fourth month, God began to send tuition students to M. Luke. His students have increased continuously.   

After 10 years in the same place, we moved our center and Aroma Institute to a new place in early September. M. Barnabas, Luke, my children, Andrew, and Nelson worked together on the interior. We put tiles in the center and made it a beautiful place for worship and 1:1 Bible studies.

2. Sending Brother N. to Korea

Brother N. studied Korean in Aroma Institute and made a spiritual relationship with us. He passed the Korean Level Test and waited for one year to get hired by a Korean company, but was not invited. But he continued to pray. Miraculously, he was invited in the last month that his Korean score was effective. But among the 300 selected people, only Brother N’s invitation was cancelled suddenly just before leaving for Korea. He could not but despair and give up. But by faith he prayed to God, and after two months, God opened the door to a better company. Through this, he learned faith in the living God. Now he participates in the Sunday worship service in Jeonju UBF. We pray that he may grow in faith and come back to Sri-Lanka as a shepherd.

3. Special thanksgiving topics I thank Baltimore II UBF for their support for my children’s education. I also thank God for Jeonju I UBF supporting us every month even in their own hard financial situation. Kangreung chapter sent their “pillar”-like leader to Sri-Lanka with many gifts of love.  My son Andrew was invited by Kyung Hee University and toured Korea. After that, the Kyungsung chapter invited him to their Bible camp and served him with great hospitality and sent many gifts with him. I’m thankful for Samuel from Yonhee UBF for his warm concern and prayer for me through Skype. I would also like to thank the Matae church in my hometown and the Muguk church where my brother participates for their support. 

II. 2011 key verse and prayer topics Key verse:

“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain what we do not see” (Heb 11:1).

1.        John’s gospel messages

2.       Have a one day Bible camp every month on the Poya days 

3.       15 1:1 Bible studies per week and 15 worship service members

4.       Obtain a van for our one day Bible camps

5.       Be self-supporting through Aroma Institute

6.       Dr. P. to be employed as a Comobo Medical Faculty

7.       Brothers R. and Paul to grow in spirit

8.       M. Barnabas’ PhD studies
