Galatians Symposium Report, Chicago

Chicago UBF concluded a ten week study of Galatians with a student symposium at the Chicago center on March 18th. Twelve students shared on various passages, covering the entire book of Galatians as follows: Grace Yoshiba (Loyola; lesson 1), Stephanie Sidak (Columbia; lesson 2), Katrina dela Victoria (Oakton; lesson 3a), Mary Miranda (North Park U.; lesson 3b), April Krus (Oakton; lesson 4a), David Fang (Northwestern; lesson 4a), Rose Fang (Northwestern; lesson 4b), Helen Kim (UIC; lesson 5a), David Weed (UIC; lesson 5a), Christine Anderson (UIC; lesson 5b), Ruth Ushomirsky (Northeastern; lesson 6a), Darnell Calhoun (Northeastern; lesson 6b). The testimonies were heart-moving—some shared with tears and all shared with thankful hearts. The testimonies also revealed a basic understanding of the truths of the gospel taught in Galatians. Many Chicago UBF members confessed that their souls were refreshed by the study of Galatians and that they experienced a new birth of spiritual freedom.  We believe that the Holy Spirit worked mightily and that the spiritual fruit of this study will be considerable in the days and even years to come.


In addition to the Galatians testimonies, M. Rebekah Chung shared a personal testimony of thanksgiving to God for guiding her for the last 37 years of missionary life in America. The occasion was her retirement from the practice of nursing. M. Rebekah, who is one of the first UBF missionaries to come to America from Korea, rededicated her life to Christ and to campus mission. Jonathan Reese sang a graceful special song.

P. Ron Ward closed the meeting by giving thanks to God and to our Lord Jesus Christ for his grace upon the study of Galatians. He also thanked all who had participated in the preparation of this study, including Dr. John Jun and the elders, who prayed wholeheartedly for it; Mother Sarah Barry, who led the messenger team Bible study each week; Dr. Mark Yang, who dedicated one day a week to work together writing a first draft of the message; the Bible study team (Mark Vucekovich, Teddy Hembekides, Joshua Hong, David Kim, Dr. Jose Ahn, Paul Chung), who met every Monday to prepare questions for the study; the messenger team (Kevin Albright, Moses Lenthang, Steve Stasinos, Elijah Park), who provided helpful insights; the projection team (Moses Kang, Joshua Min); M. Ana Yang, who prepared delicious food; and to his wife, Deborah Ward, who prayed for him, proof-read the manuscripts, and dedicated her husband to God for ten weeks so that he could study Galatians wholeheartedly. Following this we prayed for God’s blessing upon the Chicago area Easter Bible Conferences.

Reported by Pastor Ron
