LA UBF Spring Conf. Report, LA

You must be born again

From March 25-27, the 2011 spring conference took place at the Pinecrest Conference Site in the Big Bear Mountain area. This time San Diego UBF joined with the LA UBF in conference.

I could see the Lord's special blessing on the conference, and the first sign of His blessings was the weather, that is, lots of snow on the mountain area, about 2 feet. The ambiance was truly mysterious. But inside of the dining hall it was very warm. I saw lots of new students who came.

The next sign of the Lord's blessings was the conference theme, for at the conference the Lord God is going to approach us with important questions in life.

I had an eating fellowship around the table along with Garret Denton, Dr. Paul Lim, Steve Bube, and Peace Oh. Garret exercises self discipline in regard to food so he is a vegetarian. He is still in a testing mode  in regard to his future career, so he did not decide what to major. Steve studies kinesiology. About an hour prior I injured myself on my back. The room at the chapel was so cold, for the heater did not work. I called in service men. They came, but were unable to fix it. But I fixed the problem. But in the course of coming down the ladder from the roof I fell. So I asked Steve about the pain I had. He said, "It depends. For example, did you break your bone?" I said, "No." Personally I thanked God because after the fall the only comfortable position for me was to kneel down on the floor bend over and touch my face down to the floor. Now I realized why this happened to me even before the conference began: he wants to me kneel down and pray.

The evening service began with a singspiration team singing. The lead singer was Cari Wilson, and the lead guitarist was Charles.

I saw shepherd Daniel Tourn seated on the stairway located at the hallway next to the conference hall. I then encouraged and prayed for him saying, "You are a bachelor. It is hard for a bachelor to understand a father's heart. Yet, get into the mind and heart of God the Father and serve the message." Daniel asked, "What do you mean?" I said, "Suppose you got married and produced twelve children. When they are all lost, as a father what would you do? Wouldn’t you go out looking for them broken hearted?" "Oh, I see," he said. Then I said, "So by all means you need to get married soon and produce 12 children."

Chris presided for the night. Then Daniel Tourn took the podium and said, "Good evening! Turn to your neighbor and ask, "Where are you?"" All turned and asked the question. I was extremely happy to see young students with bright smiles especially brother Nolan. So I went to Nolan's place and said, "Hey, brother Nolan. Where are you?" He said, "Hey Missionary Isaac. Where are you?" And both of us felt good that we are here at the conference site listing to the words of our Heavenly Father!

Daniel's message was very truthful and at the same time very graceful. He said, "God could have come down on Adam and Eve saying, "I am going to get you". Rather, he said, "Where are you?" He also testified that God approached Adam and Even with the way for them to overcome their sins and the consequences of sins. Thank God that help comes from above. God came to provide the real solution. In fact the whole Bible is all about how God sought after fallen men. Although God had to declare the consequences of sin, God came with the hope of salvation, as seen in Genesis 3:15. God's hope gave Adam the hope of life, so he gave his wife a new name Eve meaning the mother of the living! Despite our sins God sought after us, so we would be forgiven and have salvation. Although we hide things like good deeds, smile, or titles, God sees us. He knows us and looks for us. He also testified that he was hiding behind an old relationship with one girlfriend. He did not want to bring this matter to the Lord, although he knew that this relationship was hindering his relationship with God. But after much prayer he brought this matter to the Lord, and left it in his hand.

After the message Chris and Christina shared testimonies. Chris did not want to share it. He wanted to keep low key. He did not want to be under the radar. But Heather challenged him, "Don't hide behind a tree." He grew up in a Buddhist family. At the age of 13 he got baptized. One of the trees he was hiding was women. Growing up he kept chasing after girls. He really wanted to marry a girl who ended up breaking his heart. He now realize that he is never complete in human relationship. A girlfriend asked him to come to the church and study the Bible. Then one thing led to another. And he was found in God's love. Every day as he faces every day temptation of life God looks for him asking "Where are you?" He is 25. There are many temptations. Yet God is gradually changing him. For example every Friday instead of going out to parties I come to the Friday meeting at the Center studying the Bible sharing testimonies. Two main prayer topics are: willingly sacrifice youthful desires and use his strength to lead other young kids to Christ. One word: where are you?

Christina then shared her testimony. She is a senior at Cal State Long Beach. Until around the thanksgiving God was graceful. But soon thereafter she began to attend UBF with her boyfriend. Soon around the Christmas time her boyfriend no longer wanted to come to the UBF. Her walk in the Lord became difficult. Then through testimony writing, she realized that she needed to let go of her desire to control everything for her life all by herself. Now she realized that it does not work. She realized that life in the Lord is better. She prays to put trust in the Lord serving him as a matter of first importance.

Shepherd Jonathan made announcement saying, "Although it is a scary thing to do, when God calls "Where are you?" we need to come out and respond to His call.

He encouraged all of us to pray for Shepherd Daniel, and Chris and Christina, that they would bring many to the Lord.

Next day (Saturday) After breakfast Shepherd Terry spoke on the theme message, "you must be born again." Daniel Tourn's message talked about how man cut himself off of God's blessings through sinning. In this way he lost God's kingdom. In the passage then our Lord Jesus taught a man named Nicodemus what it means to be born into His kingdom. God's kingdom is the place where God is the ruler. So in order for us to be born into his kingdom, we must first learn to surrender ourselves to His rule. Human success is not the way to gain God's kingdom, for it will not solve our fundamental problem. To be born again means literally born from above. John 1:13 states, "Children born not of human decision...but of God." Nicodemus needed to rely on God. Yesterday the first thing the devil did was to plant in man the doubt on God so he would not trust God. We must confess that all of our efforts would not cut God's kingdom for us, for it is given by God. To be born again is not a new start but a new heart. We need to listen to God's word. Mr. Colson, Richard Nixon's adviser, while locked up in a prison, read a book "Mere Christianity", which enabled him to realize that his main problem was pride. So he turned to Christ. Then he became an influential man preaching the gospel. Like Colson we need to repent. Then as submit to God's will, the Holy Spirit comes and gives us a new birth. The Spirit of God is the presence of the Holy God. Our Holy God will never come in a muddy swamp. If our inside is not ready through repentance He is not going to come. God has the power to change us. The Apostle Paul was a good example. Nicodemus did not know that man is not just a mere physical body. Jesus explained the gospel (the way to be born again) through a bronze snake Moses lifted up in a desert area. Jesus explained the essence of the Bible and of God, that is, love. Fear does not make man respond. Only the love of God can help man respond to God's call. We must know that God loves us. And he proved it. And the evidence is He gave his one and only Son. And his son died in our place, and took our punishment on the cross. God wants to restore a love relationship with us. We must not reject God's love. God did not say "Adam where are you" in anger. He did it in love. We may have many reasons to doubt God's love. But we must accept that God is love. Many say, "How can God condemn man to hell?" But we must remember that God does not condemn. He gives us the opportunity to believe and be saved. Jesus came that we would believe in Him and be saved. Yet many refuse to believe for they love darkness. So we need to live by the truth. Nicodemus loved the world so much that he ended up groaning day and night. Later in John's gospel Nicodemus appears twice, once to defend Jesus, and later towards the end to stand up for Jesus, look up to Jesus, and thereby he was no longer bound by the things of this world. He looked and got saved.

Terry had a great desire to be a great man. He wanted to be a lawyer. His GPA at UCLA went south. He played video games. He almost got kicked out of the school. He could not overcome the lack of discipline. Yet, over the last 20 years God visited him again and again, giving him the word. God helped him to repent. Then God's Spirit came upon him. And He became a little more disciplined. Somehow when he repented God gave him the Holy Spirit, and He changed him. He had to confess though. Recently he became weary. He became shaky. He learned that daily he needs to come to God daily, crying out to God every day. No matter who we are we need to be born again by being in God's love. To be born again is a spiritual matter. Daily we need to know that God is love and desires to restore us back to him as sons and daughters of God. May God help us to acknowledge our problem. Come to Jesus and receive His sin forgiving love.

A dozen brothers did a special song.

Joshua King shared a testimony. He did not know God's kingdom. He was a rising star at his company. He did own lots of stuff like condo or house. Later he was born again. But his wife did not share his vision. He doubled his efforts to serve God. Later he realized that he put faith in his own abilities not God's abilities. Joshua 10 impressed him, for there God heard Joshua's prayer, so more people were killed by God than Joshua or his people. As long as he puts trust in God is going to finish his job. So it is his prayer to keep up working with God. He prays to come to the Friday meeting. His prayer is for Ferdie to grow up. He is grateful for all he has. He also shares God's words with his son Jaden.

Afternoon program consisted of testimony writing, testimony sharing, and Olympics. After the dinner before the evening message LA UBF Orchestra presented a music performance. The congregation really liked the performance so they asked for encore, but in the interest of time and schedule, Msn. David Min was not able to accommodate the request. A few coworkers were also inspired that they suggested we organize seasonal performances in a theatrical environment even as a community service.

Shepherd Greg Kocco served the evening message on Jesus' death on a tree. So many keep dying. In fact every one second at least two persons die. Why then does the death of another person named Jesus matter so much? Jesus' death is meaningful for had it not been for his death all the good things such as a man being born again and receive God's kingdom would not happen. First of all Jesus is our true King for He loves us so much as to even suffer death in our place. He cannot go any sin unpunished. Yet, Barabbas went free for our Lord Jesus took his place. Jesus was crucified with two criminals. Jesus fought the last temptation of the devil tempting him to come down the cross. Jesus died. The act of love was completed. Why did Jesus do this? Sin is the most fundamental problem of mankind. It separates us from God. Jesus' death saved Barabbas. If we look at the passage broadly, it looks as if his death did not do much. But in v. 38, we see that Jesus' death took place for all sinners. This curtain is symbolic of the sin barrier. As soon as Jesus died the barrier was destroyed. We were separated from God, but Jesus' death destroyed the barrier of sin, so he could bring us back to God.

A physics tutor said Greg, "You need Jesus for salvation". But Greg thought he was a good person. But later through Bible studies at UBF he realized that Greg was a great sinner, as sinful as terrible sinners like Barabbas. Jesus' death did victories for him. He was lost in sin. He was really stuck. Video games took all of his time. As he grew in the word of God he realized that he needed to repent and look to the cross. So it took time to humble himself and surrender to God. Then when he repented of everything, knowing he had nothing done but sins, he surrendered his life to the Lord. Then as he looked to the Lord on a tree, he was set free from the bondage to the power of sin and death. He is now serving the Lord. This is his direction. He provided for him everything he needed. That is what being born again in its relationship to the cross. In our current state we cannot enter into heaven. God is holy and perfect. He cannot accept any sin even a tiny one. God is perfect. God can accept only what is perfect, and Jesus is perfect. His death was a real death, not just a show. Why then does God love us so much? It is because we are children, and we have gone astray. Love endures. Love is not just a talk. God loves us anyway. Jesus died on the cross. This is wonderful news. Take this life now. The cross should be the foundation of our life. Praise Jesus.

San Diego UBF praise team (12 members) dedicated two songs, one was the Lord's sacrifice on the cross, and two was entitled “Oh, Happy Day".

Roman Acebedo serves Cal State Long Beach. Three years ago he moved from Philippines to Long Beach. He used to live as a self-made man, making every thing for himself including salvation. After a year of studying the Bible, esp. Luke 23:34, he met Jesus personally. He realized that he was a sinner. He also realized that God has a plan for him. Two weeks after the conference God also revealed to him that through INS he was about to be evicted. There was nothing he could do. Missionary Isaac Kim shared with him Mark 11:24. He then started praying. His court date was moved. Soon after his sinful nature took over. He planned on his exit strategy. He applied for a job in all different countries. Nothing happened. He felt trapped. Then he stopped job search. A few weeks later, an extension was given. He also received a job offer from Sydney. He was convinced that a window was opened. He was scheduled to leave soon. But God showed him that his plan was not from God. Mark 15:37 says Jesus breathed his last. As an atonement for his sins, Jesus had to die. As he died Roman died with him, so through him the relationship with God would be restored. March 30 there is another court hearing. When Jesus died on the cross his fears and worries died. His efforts are useless. God has a perfect plan for him. Whatever is the outcome, may God's will be done.

Andrew Cuevas started studying the Bible four years ago at US San Diego. When he was young boy his parents sent him to a catholic school. Overtime religion class turned into a history class. Rituals and sacraments, Holy Communion, confession required by the catholic school meant nothing. He used Bible studies more as a tool to get straight A's. He sought recognition from parents and teachers, which led him leaving farther away from God. When he failed and sinned, he fell in great depression and anger, which in turn ended up with the desire to reject God. The curtain was created by man's sin. He did not know God's love. There was a disconnect between him and his father for his father expected him to be a Harvard bound student. When he could not please his father was impossible, how much less possible would it be for him to please Heavenly Father. He was tempted to live a carefree life. During his college days he indulged in carefree party life. He was hit with hopeless guilt. He was at a cross road. One night he had to choose either to cry out to God or live a carefree life. Strangely he took the first path. He called out for God for a redeemer. The next day a miracle happened. He was confronted by a UBF woman. Through a long process of Bible study he realized how his condemnation was taken away by Jesus on the fateful day when he died. Now he lives under his grace rather than under the law. God's laws and commandments are no longer emotional dagger. Through Bible studies and testimonies he was transformed. He met a gracious patient God. Thank God for his indescribable gift. He now shares a testimony which is a story of rebirth!

One of the highlights of the evening program was the Play on the Pilgrim's Progress as produced by Jonathan and his company. The Academy Award (:-)) went to Jose who played the role of Christian. While eating breakfast around the eating table the next morning, one of the missionaries in LA said, "The play is truly a high quality product; it was really good especially in terms of contents. I recommend that we upload the play on YouTube. It also will make a good video program for our LA UBF children to watch every once in a while."

Sunday we had a group Bible study on Jesus' call to Levi, "Follow me." Frank Hallman served the message. Tax collectors were ranked among adulterers and sinners. Levi majored in money. Many are caught up in the same deception of the love of money. His greed for money was so great that he was willing to become a social outcast. Jesus 'saw' Levi. Jesus saw him trapped in a tiny booth. Spiritually Levi came out broke. Jesus saw a great potential in Levi. In John 10:3,4, he calls his own sheep by their own name. Today God is calling us out to him. Jesus said, "Follow me." Levi got up left everything and followed him. Levi needed a new direction. Levi was like a house cat who upon the screen door left open jumps right out of the door. What made Jesus to follow Jesus so easily? Probably he saw that the life in Jesus should be a blessed life, and he desired that life. At this conference we took a look at Jesus a blessed life just a little bit. Right now the door is open for us. Like Levi we can have the same confidence to follow Jesus. What does it mean to follow Jesus? Part of following Jesus is repentance. Then it means listening to Jesus' words and walk in his footsteps. It is to be around Jesus and witness about Jesus. Repent, take up the cross, and tell the people of the sin-forgiving grace. One can fellow everything nor nothing or simply the flow only to hit death. But in Jesus we can find the life of meaning. In Christ Levi turned from a man of loneliness to a man surrounded by people. He walked through door. He found life in Jesus. So he wanted other people to find what he found. Bringing people to Jesus has the greater meaning than all. Hey man, we are here, we made it. This life of deep meaning is offered to us through Jesus Christ. At Levi's banquet some tried to crash the party. But Jesus defended the party. It was the time of Christ revealed. Jesus presented a radical new concept of sin-forgiveness, which in turn opens the door for all who came to the banquet. Levi made a choice to follow Jesus. Eight years ago Frank decided to follow Jesus. He had about two and a half month to write a message. Through this time he realized that he cared too much about his own image. He threw away all of his nice stuff including nice suits. He followed his own ideas such as building up his own image. But from this passage God gave him a new heart that is to find people and witness to them with a new heart. At this conference we have a chance to reflect on Jesus' call. Today the door is open for us to follow Jesus and joy the great banquet celebrating a new life in Jesus. Today we can repent and rejoin the blessed walk in the Lord.

Young Disciples Team presented a special song.

Matthew (of Cal State Poly Pomona, 3rd year) served a testimony. Three years ago he was blind. he was a shy and quiet person. His family was Catholic. He used to go to a church a couple of years for the last seven years. While he was junior he used to play video games. Along with his cousin, he watched dirty movies. His thoughts were cynical. Around that time his uncle became a pastor. His uncle shared Jesus and he was born again. Then his uncle left for Colorado. He then entered college. While seated on the booth one woman asked, "Would be interested in the /Bible study." Soon he was introduced to James. Genesis 12:1-3 hit him. He found God's great blessing. He then disappeared. Then he was encouraged to join LA church. In the passage Jesus says, "Follow me". Jesus calls a useless person to be a useful person. He has blessed his life. For the past month, he met James every week. He invited many students on campus and received lots of joy. So he got a new year's key verse John 21:15. Most recent is his relationship with Alex. So through the conference, God helped him to offer Alex as a burnt offering. He will trust God. He wants to come to Jesus joyfully. He prays to obey Jesus' words, feed his lambs, and follow Jesus. One word: follow me

David Greenfield shared a testimony. He is a Ph.D. student in electrical engineering. He got a job offer from Cisco. While freshman, soonsung hong invited him to a bible study. After several years of wandering, he lost faith and hope, so in 2009 he left UBF and gave himself fully to career. He thought he could find satisfaction in career pursuit. Indeed he achieved a lot. But he realizes that success in the world does not satisfy him. Through one incident he prayed to God to come to know Jesus better. In 2007 he came to UCLA and returned to UBF in LA. During PhD studies he had difficulties. He lost his focus on Jesus again. His faith grew weak. He found living for God is absolutely necessary. Today I make a decision to live for Jesus alone. Follow Jesus means to live for Jesus alone.

Jonathan Pyles made an announcement. In this world it is not easy to leave the world behind and follow Jesus. Levi left everything and followed Jesus. Simple and hard - yet it was not that hard for Levi, for he realized that following his own desires reaped emptiness. May God bless Frank and use him powerfully. Pray for Matthew and David as well. 5:00 p.m. CBF worship with a message on John 3. At six PM, we will have a second service in the back house and we are going to video stream Frank's message. All the messages and programs are going to be online. For anyone esp. first timers please join group Bible studies designed for a new discipleship group; there is a signup sheet.

In conclusion, through the conference one message came out that is in love God seeking what is lost, so as we hear his voice, we need to respond to his call to follow our Lord Jesus.

One word: follow me

