Arlington UBF Visit News

We were so happy to see Dr. John Jun with other coworkers who were attending KIMNET conference (3.28-31). They visited UTA and prayed for Arlington ministry and co-workers and had a fellowship with us. It was truly an uplifting fellowship.

My family came down to Arlington, Texas, in 1993 to pioneer UTA (University of Texas at Arlington), and we’ve served UTA pioneering work until now. Texas belongs to the Bible Belt region. We’ve had joyful seasons and trying seasons in doing the gospel work. But we are thankful that God has enabled us to serve the gospel work by faith until now. Truly God is the God of Ebenezer.  

We had Msn. Paul and Maria Kim from KyungSung UBF who joined us from 1999 and they went to pioneer Memphis later. We had Msn. Augustine and Monica Hong’s family from KyungSung UBF who joined us from 2003. Msn. Monica Hong passed English test miraculously, and they have been faithful co-workers with us until now. We had Dr. David and Abigail Shim with us and they joined IIT ministry as Dr. David Shim got accepted to law school there. 

We had Sh. John Yoon who came to study medicine at the Southwestern Medical School. He was an eager Bible student and a great co-worker. He established a blessed house church with Msn. Mary Suh Yoon, and they are now serving University of Chicago chapter (Hyde Park chapter). We were also happy to see the house church of Joshua H. and Gracie established. They are serving campus mission in Houston, and they had Little David lately. Now Msn. Gloria and I belong to the class of grandparents. Msn. Isaac Kim of LA says that the quality of my laughter changed after having a grandson. 

At this point Andy Thiessen, Mildred palangan, Alysia Brooks, Diego Lopez, David Szymszak have been studying the Bible faithfully, and we are praying for their fruitful life of faith and house churches. We also pray for the house churches of Mary Choo and Sarah Choo. They have been wonderful gospel co-workers with Msn. Gloria and me, and I am very thankful for their deepening gospel faith and beautiful co-workmanship.

Dr. Joshua Choo
