KIMNET Conference Report (3.28-31)

Dr. John Jun and several senior missionaries attended the KIMNET Conference that was held from March 28-31 in Dallas, Texas. The meeting started early in the morning and lasted till late at night almost nonstop all day long. The average attendance was more than 400 at main meetings including more than 100 pastors of local churches and many missionaries of front line.

The title of the conference was "Global Church and Mission Leadership Conference." The purpose of this conference was to network between local church leaders and missionaries in the front line to carry out the Great Commission more effectively. Among the lecturers Dr. Jose Paul Ahn delivered a lecture titled "The most desirable missionary for the mission fields in 21st century."

Dr. Paul Chung gave a presentation during the workshop titled "Jesus' holistic disciple training." After the conference we visited Arlington, Houston and Texas A & M UBF.

The lectures are attached.
