North York UBF Spring Retreat, Canada

North York UBF had Spring Retreat on March 12-13 at Countryside Camp with 43 attendants. The theme was “Follow Me,” based on Luke 9:1-13. S. David Jumeau delivered the main message powerfully. And his message challenged all of us to examine ourselves: “Are we really following Jesus? Or something/someone else. Right after the message, Matthew Vander Kooij, Paul Han, Jennifer Lee and Mary Jung shared their heart moving life testimonies, confessing their hidden sins before God and repented sincerely from their hearts and accepted the call to follow Jesus! In the evening, 5 UTSC students presented sign language dance. These students have been studying the Bible faithfully and prepared the dance in school. After multi-media presentation and spirit-filled praise & worship with Five-Two band, everyone wrote a sincere testimony before God repenting of their sins honestly and making a decision to follow Jesus.

In the following morning, all shared their testimonies in their group and 5 chosen testimony speakers—David Balcarras, Ricardo Robinson, Mark Lee, Tasha Meeuwenoord, and Sarah Grace Kim shared their testimonies that moved our hearts. Then M. Isaac Kim delivered a Sunday message based on Luke 8:1-15. His powerful message encouraged us to hear and retain God’s word in order to bear fruit. We thank God for blessing the retreat greatly and helping our one to one students to make a decision of faith to follow Jesus. May God bless Canada to be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.
