Wedding news of Johnny and Kathryn of El Camino, LA

On March 26, we had a wedding ceremony of Johnny Pringle and Kathryn Sim. Johnny accepted Jesus' grace at the 2007 Fall Bible conference as his Shepherd who was looking for him, a lost sheep. His acceptance of Jesus' love for him and his turning to God was passionate; with tears, he prayed a sinner's prayer, saying, "Who am I kidding?" "Who am I kidding?" Since then, he dedicated himself to God's work completely. One of his sheep who is now growing as a faithful disciple, the presider for our worship service, said that during Bible studies, he had been more inspired by his zeal and passion than Bible study itself. God used him very preciously in establishing several disciples. Recently, God blessed him with a paid internship position at Boeing working at his own school - his major is aero-space engineering. Kathryn is one of the ancestors of faith in our ministry, the first shepherdess. She has been faithful and her presence itself has brought to all of us such great comfort and encouragement. She personally accepted God's calling to be a mother of many nations. Missionary John Baik served this wedding, and the message was based on Genesis 12:1-4, "You will be a blessing." When God blesses someone, his blessing is not for that person alone, but always for many others also, even the whole world through that person. We prayed that this house church may be a blessing for the whole world. People enjoyed the message a lot. One of the relatives of the groom, an aged lady, said that she had expected that the message would be boring as usual, but she was happily shocked that it was so enjoyable. It was a blessed wedding, full of joy and thanks. Our brothers and sisters blessed this couple with songs and a worship dance. May God establish many more beautiful house churches among us that will be a source of blessing for the whole world.

El Camino,
Dr. John Baik