New York UBF Easter Retreat

“Live today as if you were to die tomorrow.”

Jesus is the Resurrection and the life. (Jn 11:25) He told us that if we believe in him, we will never die. It does not mean that we will not experience physical death. We all die physically. In fact, unless we die, we will not be resurrected. NYUBF had Easter Retreat at the Rosendale Retreat Center, Kingston NY. It was raining while we were heading to the conference site. Everyone felt a little gloomy because of the weather. However, we were glad that the rain stopped during the conference. We had two group Bible studies based on Luke 22:7-38 and 1 Corinthians 15:35-58. Serge Melikyan (Lk 22:7-38), Daniel Villar (Lk 23:26-56) and Saehan Hwang (1 Cor 15:35-58) delivered lectures. Serge brought an excellent point of the meaning of the Passover meal through the lens of Jewish tradition. Daniel’s message of Jesus’ death reminded us the grace of forgiveness. Saehan’s message on the body of the resurrection challenged us to think about our true hope in Christ. It’s not a visible result but the glorious resurrection. HBF members prepared a gospel skid based on 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 and John Z. Kim and Becky Song prepared a duo drama based on 1 Corinthians 15:12-34. Jan, Mark (Germany) and Liz Lim shared their sincere life testimonies. On Saturday night and Sunday morning we were challenged to write our own eulogy. The idea behind it is that if we have only one more day to live, what would we do today? Of course, we know that we will rise again. But how does our death and resurrection in Christ can be actualized in our day-to-day life? Some of us were challenged and deeply touched while confronting them with imminent death and shared their eulogies with tears. Most of them were inspired to love their loved ones even more. May the Lord help us to continue our journey of faith while serving many struggling souls with the gospel of the resurrection.
