2011 SE US Easter Conf. Report

“And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death—even death on a cross!  Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name,” (Philippians 2:8,9)

After the North American staff conference we were so moved by Philippians 2 we could tell we had just began to scratch the surface of that passage and we wanted to learn Jesus’ humility.  So the consensus was to study Philippians at our Southeastern United States Easter conference.  We spent the time between the staff conference and Easter preparing through studying the entire book of Philippians.  The more we studied, the more treasures we discovered.  Each lecturer for the conference gave Sunday message on their  passage in preparation.  Shepherd Andrew and Heather, Missionary Joseph and Esther prepared the conference.

This is the first conference that Shepherd Andrew’s message was better than Shepherd John’s message.  I am thankful we could raise up Shepherd Andrew and Heather above us.  We anticipate that we will leave Southeastern United States ministry this year and God will appoint Shepherd Andrew and Heather directors of this UBF ministry.

Though “rejoice” or “joy” is repeated 14 times in Philippians, Shepherd Andrew discovered that “Lord” is repeated 17 times.  So the title of our Philippians study was “Christ Exalted” based on the key verses 2:8,9.  These verses are a good synopsis of Philippians.   Paul rejoiced in order to acknowledge Christ as his Lord over his circumstances in prison and over his flock that was so vulnerable to attack.  Christ exalted Paul’s life and gave him joy that overflowed even to us.

I am so thankful to God for our faithful coworkers in Atlanta, Missionaries Wesley and Esther and Sammy and Esther Jr.  We have great joy because of our partnership in the Gospel!  Along with the three families from Raleigh and the Yuns from Atlanta, three Chinese families joined our Easter conference.  We all stayed together in a large, beautiful house on the top of a mountain in the North Carolina Smoky Mountains.  Shepherdess Heather prepared perfect music.  Shepherd Andrew’s message was so deep and sincere; his own life direction to live as Christ and to die is gain was evident.  His message set the tone of our conference. Missionary Esther Ryu made a beautiful backdrop and made such a good environment , embracing all of our guests sincerely with love.  I am so thankful for all of those who attended the conference and shared God’s grace with me.  Shepherd John’s prayer topics after each meeting revealed the glory of Christ exalted and were so personal.  His high forehead was shining together with his usual whit, wisdom,  and historical perspective.

We watched a documentary Friday night called Furious Love.  After the video we had discussion in groups.  I was impressed with the children’s one word they learned about God’s love because they were very honest and thoughtful.  Shepherd Andrew and Heather prepared breakfast for us both days.  Saturday we had two Bible studies in groups of men, women, and children.  We studied Philippians 2 and Philippians 3 at the conference, although we prepared on our own Bible study questions for all four lessons of Philippians.  Shepherd John’s message on Philippians 2 taught us to die to our pride by revealing what Jesus has done for us and given us, as well as the example of Missionary Hannah Zun to him.

After writing testimonies we drove to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and hiked along the river.  We enjoyed the beautiful scenery we waded in the cold, white water, took pictures with a waterfall as the background, and saw a five-foot black snake, butterflies, and really enjoyed God’s creation.  After dinner we had testimony sharing and group Bible study on Philippians 3.  Later we had a wonderful message by Shepherdess Grace Martin based on Dr. Samuel Lee’s message on Philippians 3.  Saturday evening we enjoyed a bonfire and making S’mores. 

Missionary Joseph Ryu taught through Philippians 4 message Sunday morning that standing firm in the Lord is the secret of rejoicing always and how we can co-work in Christ, though we all have different personalities, opinions, and cultures.  Paul’s secret of joy is that he knew no problem was a real problem because Jesus is Lord.  We ended our conference with a celebration of the Lord’s Supper.

Reported by Shs. Grace
