The Joint Triton/DuPage/NIU UBF Easter Bible Conf. Report

The Road To Emmaus

The Joint Triton/DuPage/NIU UBF Easter Bible Conference 4/ 22-24/ 2011    by: Kevin Jesmer

On April 22-23, Triton, DuPage and NIU ministries had an Easter Bible Conference at beautiful Timber Lee Wisconsin. The title of the conference was “The Road To Emmaus” based on Luke 24:1-53. The key verse was verse 26, “Did not the Christ have to suffer these things and then enter his glory?” God sent about 75 people, 7 from NIU, 20 from DuPage and 48 from Triton UBF.

First, the conference site. Timber-lee Christian Center ministry has over 600 beautiful acres of rolling scenic land that includes woods, fields, ponds, and lake environs. They provide a wide variety of outdoor recreational activities, learning experiences, and discovery. Some extracurricular activities included a 40 foot tower climb, horseback riding, hiking, and “Seven Days of Creation” nature center as well as fireside fellowship where we celebrated Clark and Carl Heusel’s birthdays. God provided a beautiful environment for us to leave the hustle and bustle of city life behind and focus on the Gospel of Jesus.

Second, the Bible study. The Bible study was presented in two ways…in traditional group Bible studies and in group activities. God prepared 11 group Bible study leaders; (Jennifer Jesmer, Ian Turner, Timothy Lopez, Dr Crystal Morla, Charisma Magno, Sarah Bahn, Nonso Ukeka, Ruth Porugal, Nathan Laframboise, Matt Cizek.) Pastor Teddy studied with the leaders beforehand. They were well prepared. Most of them were new at being group leaders. It is refreshing to see God raising up a new generation of Bible teachers and shepherds for the flock of God.

The next day was Bible study in a different form. After praise and worship led by Triton UBF, we separated the people into 10 groups. Each group drew, by lots, a list of activities they could do to present the teachings of Luke 24. Some chose film, others sculpture, or painting, drama, or mural. The groups spent the entire Saturday morning preparing together and in the evening they presented. Each group was given 15 minutes to present their projects. Some highlights were the documentary film production, that made it’s way to Youtube and the rap song with guest rapper and beat-boxer, “M.C. Kim Chee” (alias David Kim.) Dispersed among the presentations was a “Bible Bowl” competition where four groups of four people competed looking up Messianic prophecies in the Bible. At the end of the evening there was a 30 minute movie called “The Road To Emmaus” that concisely summarized all the messianic prophecies perfectly. In this way all the people could think about the passage in a different way and all participate. It was a lot of fun!

Third, the music. Each ministry prepared separate sessions for praise and worship. The whole music program was overseen by Elijah Kasongo and Ian Turner. The NIU singing team sang two special songs, “Satan Your Kingdom Must Come Down” and “Just A Closer Walk With Thee”. We thank God for Tim Lopez of Triton. He was so full of a desire to sing praises to Jesus that he sang a solo, “How Great Is Our God”. Triton JBF also sang a special song. I thank God for preparing so many music servants among us.

Fourth, the messages. There were three messengers and two daily bread messengers. The first messenger was Jeremy Hajek of DuPage UBF. He delivered a message on Luke 24:1-11, called, “He Is Risen!”. The key verse was 5b-6a, “Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen!” His message contrasted those who were living under the power of death and despair and those living under the power of hope in the resurrected Jesus. He stated that we tend to get into a routine in our Christian lives, not even expecting any great works of God to be done among us. But our reality does not have to be that way. With resurrection faith, each movement of the work of God can be filled with life giving power. A life filled with resurrection power is a life changed by the power of the risen Christ. He went on to share a clear, personal testimony on how God wants to work in his life through resurrection faith. He left us with several questions. Are our hearts filled with sorrow and no hope? Are we doing our duties with no expectation of the power of the living Jesus to work in us? Or are we full of hope in the resurrection spirit, willing to give our heart, time, effort, and even lives to serve our risen Lord Jesus Christ?”We pray that all attendants may hold onto resurrection faith through the Risen Christ.

Pastor Teddy Hembekides delivered the message the Easter Message based on Luke 24:13-53. It was entitled, “The Road To Emmaus”. The key verse was verse 26, “Did not the Christ have to suffer these things and then enter his glory?” In his message we see the disciples full of broken dreams and dashed expectations. Years of their young lives were lost. But Jesus came to walk with them and helped them to understand the word of God until their spiritual eyes were opened to meet the Risen Christ very personally. There are so many despaired and fatalistic young people in our nation. They see no hope. Years are passing by in despair. Hearts have grown cold because of bitterness. It seems they have no power on earth to lift their spirits up. When a person’s spirit is crushed, then only the risen Jesus can help that person to get up. The disciples were blinded due to the power of death. But God opened their spiritual eyes, through the word of God and set them free. They did a complete 180 and returned to Jerusalem to testify to the other disciples that they had seen the Lord. Through his message we pray that the young people of America may come out of the darkness of fear and despair, by first opening their hearts to the word of God and then opening their eyes to see the Risen Christ.

Ian Turner of Triton UBF delivered a very original closing message, based on Luke 24:32, entitled “Sanctification, The Word Of God, And The Burning Heart”. The key verse was verse 32, “Were not our hearts burning within us while He was speaking to us on the road, while He was explaining the Scriptures to us?” (NASB) Ian revealed how Jesus appeared to the disciples in a very personal and intimate way. He focused on the fact that the disciples’ hearts were burning within them as Jesus was expounding on Messianic prophecies. The Holy Spirit, working through the word of God, sanctifies us. He helps us grow spiritually. Ian urged all the attendants to revive a serious and continual personal study of the word of God. He told us all to saturate ourselves in the word of God. By saturate, he used the image of a sponge being dipped in the lake, not once, not twice but three times. Ian also said, “May God give you neither rest nor peace, until you find your rest in him.” This is great direction for all of our people to dig deep into the word of God and be transformed. 

Fourth, the morning devotion. Morning devotion is seldom a popular time for young people to attend. But for those who attend it a peaceful time with Jesus, beholding his beautiful creation. Daily bread was an optional event in the program. Those who wanted to come could gather early to read and/or write daily bread together. It was overseen by Kevin Jesmer. Though it was optional 20 people gathered each morning. God raised up two daily bread speakers, Saturday morning was Augustine Jesmer (14) and Sunday morning, Sarah Jesmer (13). They prepared wonderful messages on the death and resurrection of Jesus. It was a great encouragement to see two young people to standing up as servants of the word of God.

Fifth, the offering. This year’s offering went to Japan relief. There is so much suffering and so much need in Japan that it was obvious where the offering should go. We thank God for the opportunity to give to others in their time of need. May the offering reveal the love of Jesus to a people who are less than 1% Christian.

We thank God for this opportunity to take time out to think about the Risen Jesus. I also thank God for the opportunity to come together, as three ministries and co-work together as one. We pray that the season of Christ may come to all the campus’ in the western suburbs of Chicago and that each of our campus’ may overflow with shepherds and disciples of Jesus.
