A beautiful wedding between Paul Chung Jr. and Elisabeth Keller, Chicago

Last Saturday, June 18, Paul Chung Jr. and Elisabeth Keller established a family, receiving many prayers and blessings. A lot of guests attended from various places. Dr. John Jun officiated and spoke on Matthew 22:37-38, “Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all you soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment.”

Dr. John Jun blessed them saying, "Today the bride and groom must establish a deep love relationship with God first. Then the bride can love the groom and the groom the bride, and in the same way, they can love God. Through this, they can establish the most happy and fruitful house of God. Love requires sacrifice and serving. The bride and groom grew up in different atmospheres and circumstances. They have a different character and nature from each other. In order to establish a happy family, each should serve, support, and sacrifice. Then this house will be filled with love and grace and can serve intellectuals in their mission field as a missionary family."

Paul Chung Jr. is the first son of M. Paul and Sarah Chung in Chicago and Elisabeth Keller is the daughter of Volker and Petra Keller in Kolon in Germany.
