Report on M. Hannah Kim's Homecoming ceremony- a spiritual fighter not a quitter

Romans 8:37 “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.”

On June 16, 2011 with prayers of beloved fellow coworkers, family members, friends, and relatives, our loving missionary Hannah Kim went to the eternal resting place with the Lord until our Lord Jesus comes again with the trumpet call of God and with the voice of archangel. Some members could not overcome their sorrows and shed many tears but we celebrated her life as more than conquerors. Caleb Jr and Rebekah shared their remembrances of their mother. Shepherdess Seung Hi Lee from Yonhee Korea shared testimony as her close coworker, M. Joanna Lee from Milwaukee shared her reflection as her Bible teacher. Maria Kim, and Adriana Lara shared testimonies as fellow missionary and friend. Washington vocal team sang a hymn "in the New Jerusalem" and Dr. Abraham Lee from Milwaukee sang a hymn "Bright Heavenly way." Then Dr.. Mary Boyd from Baltimore sang M. Hannah's favorite song, "I know who holds tomorrow." During her singing she burst into tears remembering M. Hannah's life depending on God daily. We know that life is a gift from God. M. Hannah Kim lived a life given to her as a servant of God in this short earthly life. Job said: "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I will depart. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised." (Job 1:21) We praise the name of the Lord who used M. Hannah Kim to proclaim the message of hope and love for young college students. She will receive God's reward in heaven, the crown of life. I thank God to those who came from all over the places to say a final goodbye and donated generously for Hope Education Fund which will be used for Caleb Jr. and Rebecca Somang's education. So far more than $28,000 were raised. The donation will be accepted continuously. M. Hannah Kim wrote her last word in the pad to Rebecca, "Be a doctor shepherd to cure autoimmune disease." She speaks still through her faith like Abel, "Do not give up your faith but keep on fighting until Christ comes."

In Christ,