CBF Vacation Bible School 2011, Chicago

Esther--Gifted for God's Purpose (June 20-24, 2011)

Esther 1-10
Key Verse: 4:14

"For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?"

Thank God who blessed the CBF Vacation Bible School from beginning to end--the kids wish there was another week! The Bible school lasted 5 days, from 10-1pm each day. Around 45 attended faithfully preparing testimony each day. The children have a great attitude, enthusiasm and excitement to attend. This enthusiasm I believe comes from the fact that it is completely voluntary, therefore given the choice kids feel happy to attend, in fact only about 10 did not come several because of family vacations. The second factor is the large amount of Bible study, prayer and preparation that the teachers put into each class. Because each teacher has group Bible study on the passage, testimony writing and sharing and also prepares one message, the Holy Spirit is working in them and their classrooms and regardless of their teacher's age or experience, the children feel joy to be there. 

Each day we began with Testimony Sharing and breakfast with the teachers, we prayed for each other and teachers were really spiritually prepared to lead their class. The children were divided into 5 classes around 9 per class. The classes were mixed with kids from 1st-8th grades in each class. Classes lasted 1 hour beginning with the children sharing their testimonies and writing down each other's prayer topics, then light Bible study, then crossword activity. After Bible study there is a 15-20 minute message delivered by one teacher. We then finish with lunch provided by volunteer parents and then activities at the park for about an hour. During the activity time, teachers study for the next day's Bible study. 

The messengers for the Bible school are all high school students, alumni from CBF. The Bible schools are an opportunity not only for our kids to learn but a great opportunity for the teachers themselves to grow. Almost all teachers teach for 5 days writing 5 testimonies, and preparing 5 Bible studies in detail over the course of the week and preparing a message. It is really so beautiful and amazing each year to see our former CBF children taking stewardship to teach the younger generations with a shepherds heart and great faithfulness. Each year they know they will have to work hard and receive much training, but they are happy for the opportunity to serve and bless their younger brothers and sisters. Each year our hearts are so moved by their dedication and hard work. Thank God!

This year we began with a message by Mary Lee, "Inner versus Outer Beauty" (Esther 1-2). She really struggled to accept Esther's character of humility and quiet beauty that made her favored with everyone she met, versus Vashti who only had a great outward beauty but a proud heart on the inside. It challenged our kids to struggle with growing on the inside rather than worrying about the stuff they have or the clothes they are wearing. The second message was given by Michelle Melzer, "God-centered versus Self-Centered" (Esther 2-3). She challenged us to be like Mordecai who did what was right, who had identity as God's child, unlike Haman who lived before people. It challenged kids not to be ruled by popular kids or popular trends but stand up clearly as Christians. The third message was given by Peter Albright, "For Such a Time as This" (Esther 4) We thank God that Peter decided to join us. He was hesitant at first but through the persistent prayers of M. Isaac Choi, he decided to use all his dramatic ability to deliver a very animated message. He challenged us that we must not try to save ourselves but accept that God has put us exactly where we need to be to complete God's purpose for our life. The fourth message was given by Hannah Rarick, "God Opposes the Proud but Gives Grace to the Humble" (Esther 5-7). Hannah really struggled with this message and shared from her own experience her prayer that our children may not live in pride so that God must oppose and humble them, but they may live in humility to be used by God again and again. She challenged our kids not to get puffed up and full of themselves because of honors and talents but live before God alone. The final message was given by John Mederich, "Remember and Celebrate God's Victory" (Esther 8-10). John challenged us not to only pray to God only when we are in need but to continually thank God for his blessings. He challenged us to take time out of the summer break to write down all the things God has done and remember all we have to be thankful for.

Through the faith of Esther and Mordecai, we were challenged to find our gift and use it for God's greater purpose. We pray that our children may find their unique gift and find what God's purpose in blessing them is. We pray that our kids may learn to be bold and unashamed of their faith and stand clearly as Christians in their schools. Thank God who blessed our kids and HBF teachers to begin their summer in the word of God. May God continually bless CBF to help children to lay a foundation of their faith and grow as young leaders, "grow[ing] in wisdom and stature and favor with God and men..." (Luke 2:52)

To God be the Glory,

Tim McEathron

The photo album can be found at www.chicagoubf.org/cbf/photos.htm

Or https://picasaweb.google.com/t.mceathron/CBFEstherBibleSchool2011?feat=embedwebsite


