World Mission Report, Chicago

M. Joshua Y. of Iowa and Volker K. of Koln, Germany gave mission reports at 7 pm on June 25 at the Leningrad house in Chicago. M. Joshua got his PhD and is returning to Korea on July 7 with his family. He will join Hwarang UBF, which is led by Philip Lee. He will work as a research officer at the Chemical Defense Research Institute in Seoul, Korea. He faithfully served the Sunday worship service in his apartment in Iowa for the last several years. He delivered the Sunday message many times before empty chairs. God sent Samuel Kim from Daegu, Korea to Iowa.  He is the second son of Paul Kim, director of Daegu UBF. Peter Kim, the first son of Paul Kim, will move to Iowa in August and succeed the ministry.

Volker K. also shared his mission report. He is the ancestor of faith in the German ministry. During the last four decades, he faithfully served God and kept his faith before God. His one word throughout his life is obedience. God accepted his obedience and blessed him and the German ministry. His daughter Elisabeth established a family with Paul Chung Jr. last Saturday, June 18 in Chicago. His mission report is attached.
