Loyola Summer Bible School Report, Chicago

Video Link - http://chicagoubf.org/messages/pta/626

“I am the way, the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father except through me.” ( John 14:6)

            We praise and thank God who poured out his blessing on our first even Loyola UBF Summer Bible School.  It was held over five days, June 20-24, in classrooms at Loyola University Chicago’s Lakeshore Campus.  The theme was, “Jesus, the Way.”  Religious pluralism has permeated American society, and even deeply infected the Jesuit University, Loyola Chicago.  We held this Bible school to plant the truth that Jesus alone is the Way, the Truth and the Life; he alone is the way to our Heavenly Father.  We had six wonderful messages—all given by current Loyola students or a recent grad:  Jesus the Creator by Grace Yoshiba; Jesus the Lamb of God by Nicole Nowak; “Come and See” by Emmie, S; Jesus the Resurrection and the Life by Pauline Ahn; Jesus the Way by Van Nguyen; and Jesus the True Vine by Christine Mun.  We also had several testimony sharers—Esther Kang, Lang Lang, Lejay Jacob and Ray .S—as well as praise and snacks.  Our hope was to raise these speakers with absolute faith that Jesus is the only Way through the chosen lectures from John’s Gospel.  God blessed them to become wonderful messengers, full of power, joy, faith and passion.  They planted that Jesus is the Way not because He wants to be exclusive, but because He alone in human history is sufficient to be the Way to God. 

          The meetings were Monday through Friday, from 6:30-8:00 p.m., and we had anywhere from 30-50 members every night.  We thank God who blessed us to plant Jesus the Way on Loyola University soil and pray every day for Loyola students to accept the truth that Jesus alone is the Way, so they may not be lost.  We thank God for many coworkers who served message preparation, paintings, banners, food, prayer and in many other ways with one heart.  We thank God for many coworkers from other ministries who came to bless our Bible school as well.  We pray that we may not merely know, but believe with all our hearts that Jesus is the only Way, and remain in him.  We pray God may use us to bless all 15,000 Loyola Chicago students, and then all America and the whole world.
