Great Lakes Region Meeting Report, USA

We had a wonderful Great Lakes Region meeting in Akron on Saturday, September 24th. The hospitality, Biblical expertise, and wonderful fellowship environments created for us by M. Isaac and Rebekah Kim and Latticia moved everyone's heart. We had an insightful Bible study together on the shepherd life of Elisha from Lesson 4 of 2 Kings Chapters 6 and 7 led by M. Isaac Kim. Then we proceeded to share our prayer topics and the work of God going on in each of the chapters with members present (Akron, Bowling Green, Toledo, Columbus, Cleveland, and Pittsburgh). The prayer topics for Buffalo, Erie, and Owens, who could not attend this time, were also shared. We all prayed together specifically for each chapter and for Akron and Toledo ministry. Akron UBF prays for harvest workers to join them. We all sensed a growing love, spirit of joy, and collaboration among us. We then enjoyed a most delicious lunch at a local Japanese sushi buffet. As a region, we have the following direction and prayer topics:

(1) Reaching out to college student through Bible study and disciple-making in each chapter
(2) To have the next regional meeting in Columbus sometime in the spring, unless another smaller chapter volunteers to host it
(3) To plan and organize a regional retreat for families and co-workers in the summer of 2012
