University of Saskatoon Pioneering Report, Canada

We live in a small town called Unity here in Saskatchewan, which is 2 hours from Saskatoon where the University is located. We are praying and struggling to go to the University at least once a week, especially on weekends when my 5 children have no school.  When M. Noah talked to me about being an independent chapter after attending the inauguration ceremony of pastors in Toronto, there was retaliation in my heart like Jonah. I told him I am not worthy to be one. But M. Noah encouraged me and I accepted it by faith.

My eldest daughter Sarah Grace is already in her senior year and finishing high school. We are praying for her to get into the University of Saskatchewan next year for Nursing. John is in 9th grade, Daniel in 3rd grade, Esther Joy in 2nd grade, and the youngest Faith is only 5 years old. My wife M. Best and I struggle to teach them the Bible by having fellowship with them every Saturday and a worship service every Sunday. My wife is a full-time housewife (she also wants to work, but there is not much work in this small town with a population of only 2,500). We are praying earnestly for our application for residency so that Sarah can enter the University next year.

Prayer Topics:

1. Ten Sunday worship service attendees
2. Five 1:1 Bible studies
3. Struggle to visit the University of Saskatoon once a week
4. God's help with our residency application
5. Sarah Grace to enter the University of Saskatchewan next year.

In Christ,
Matthew and Best S.
