Tempe UBF Visit Report, Arizona

P. Ron, P. Mark, Dr. Mark Y., Jacob L., and Jose A. visited Arizona after the Cross Global Link Conference. Arizona is famous for 5 C's in addition to cowboys and John Wayne Western movies: copper, cattle, cotton, citrus, the climate, and now Christ through Tempe UBF. In 1989, God sent M. David and Ruth K. from Daegu UBF, Korea to pioneer Arizona State University (ASU). Six months later, God sent Daniel C. who came from Taiwan as a one-to-one Bible student for David K. Since then, Daniel faithfully grew as a worthwhile person for the gospel. He married M. Deborah from Daegu in 1996 and now has three growing second generation missionaries, Esther (14), Elizabeth (11), and Daniel Jr. (3). He delivers the Sunday message once a month these days. God also established David K. Jr. as a good co-worker. He was invited to Anam UBF, Korea and stayed there for more than 3 years. He married M. Esther from Anam and came back as a successor of God’s ministry. He delivers Sunday messages twice a month. He has 3 boys, Samuel (5), Jonathan (2), and David (1). Altogether, the ministry has six children, and among them, four are less than 5 years old and Esther and Elizabeth can start CBF (Children Bible Fellowship) with them. They are still small in number, but they are an exemplary case of the succession of leadership by the emerging generation. These days, Dr. Joan K., who is doing residency in Tuscon, often goes to their worship service driving 2-3 hours. One month ago, Dr. James Y. came to Arizona State University as a post doc with his wife Mary. They began to attend the Tempe Sunday worship service. Dr. Mark Y. spent a lot of personal time with them and led a group Bible study on September 30. Jose A. stayed one more night and delivered the Sunday message. 

Arizona is very neat due to the dry climate and its many cactuses and treeless mountains. One day we unexpectedly saw innumerous stars in the dark sky of Arizona that reminded us of one person Abraham who believed in God and had descendants of faith like the stars in the sky. The Tempe members are very few now, but each of them looked like a coconut that can bear fruit even in the desert and eventually make an oasis. Their descendants will surely be like the stars in the sky.

Tempe UBF prayer topics:

1.  12 disciples of faith
2.  120 Sunday worship attendees
3.  The study of Luke's gospel
4.  M. David, Daniel, and David Jr. to prepare Sunday messages
5.  Tempe co-workers to serve students and each other in humility and love
6.  Second and third generations to grow in the presence of the Lord
