9th Annual Founders Day Report



Thank and Praise God for blessing our 9th annual Founder's Day "Asia, Ripe for Harvest" Oct. 7 at the Chicago center.  We could celebrate God's work in Asia for the past 25 years.  Pastor Abraham Km welcomed us and encouraged us to honor our spiritual heritage and pass it on to our descendents.  Shepherd David Kim, Director of Korea UBF, gave us God's word from John 4:35-38 with the key verse 37: "Thus the saying 'One sows and another reaps' is true."   Jesus saw a vision to help the Samaritans through one woman's change.  Shepherd David showed us that the harvest field of the Samaritans was ripe for harvest because of many servants of God throughout history who sowed the seed among them, including the prophet Elijah.  He thanked God for Dr. Samuel Lee who sowed the seed of God's word in Korea  during seemingly hopeless times of despair.  The seeds he planted bore fruit 25 years later and we now celebrate 25 years of God's work in Asia.  He encouraged us to sow the seed of God's word in our times with tears so that the next generation may harvest with joy.  Shepherd David's Kim's powerful message was well received. 
M. Jimmy Lee, Director of India UBF, delivered an overview of God's work in Asia.  Missionary Jacob Lee of Washington, UBF also gave a slide presentation.  Asia is like a department of world religions. Asia has 60% of the world's population.  M.Jimmy Lee said confidently that when Asia is pioneered Jesus will come again!  He said that the evangelization of Korea can serve as a model for the evangelization of other Asian nations.  He summarized the work of God in India, Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, Taiwan, North Korea, China, Mongolia, Philippines, Brunei and other nations.
Next we heard testimonies from the fruit of God's work in Asia.  Hayes of Hong Kong prayed for Hong Kong to be a door for evangelizing 1.3 billion Chinese people.  He gave us the history of God's work in Hong Kong.  In 1986 Angela Kim became the first UBF missionary to Asia.  When she made a decision to die as a kernel of wheat she bore much fruit including Hayes Tang and 70 shepherds and 110 Sunday Worship Attendants.
Inang from Indonesia comes from the world's largest Muslim country.  There are now five UBF centers in Indonesia.  She was raised in a Christian family but fell into despair when she could not get into medical school.  She became a faithful shepherdess after Jesus invited her to 1-1 Bible study in UBF and married Tommy Pham from Washington, UBF.  She now lives as a missionary to the USA and prays to be a Washington UBF mother of prayer and 1-1 Bible teacher.   
Samuel of India was born as an out-caste and studied to be a Catholic priest.  Through 1-1 Bible study God gave him entrance into JNU, one of the top universities in India, and made him into a royal priest and a holy nation. Now he is a fruitful Bible teacher and shepherd.  In his ministry at DU North there are 1-1 Bible students from 10 different states of India.  They pray to pioneer all 28 states of India through God who changes out-castes into royal priests and holy nations. 
Abraham Terasaki of Japan, a country that is 2% Christian, has been a faithful UBF ancestor for 20 years remaining in Jesus, the true Vine.  He decided that if everyone goes away he will never abandon his LORD and the mission God called him to in Japan.  His greatest joy is distributing daily bread and his young daughter's faith.  
Moses Kim lived in China until God distributed his ministry through the persecution of the Chinese police to other places.  Now he pioneers China from Korea and prays for 40 UBF missionaries serving house church ministry throughout China.  Now the church he once served has grown larger than when he was there under the care of a native shepherdess.
Pastor Ron gave us prayer topics: 
1)  The Lord may send out workers into the harvest field of Asia.
2)  God may raise disciples of Jesus world wide.
Dr. John Jun closed the program with a Benediction.  We thank God for blessing the program and fellowship together celebrating the rich heritage God has given us and spiritual legacy from the founders of UBF, Dr. Samuel Lee and Sarah Barry.
Reported by John and Grace Martin