Victory in the Bible memorization contest, Chicago CBF (Children Bible Fellowship)

On October 29, six Chicago CBF (Children Bible Fellowship) children participated in a citywide Bible memorization contest which was sponsored by John’s Mission USA at the Evergreen Church in Wheeling, IL.

There were over 38 contestants in ages ranging from 7-88 years of age. Children had to memorize around 100 verses (Matthew 5-7 or Matthew 5, Psalms 1,23, Hebrews 11) and adults around 150 verses.


1st place: Annie Lee

2nd place: Sally Kim

3rd place: Abraham Ahn

Chicago CBF representatives – William Magadician, Annie Lee, Daniel King, Sally Kim, John Wang, and Abraham Ahn – won the group champion trophy.

Praise God who gave great victory to our children. Actually, this contest requires three months of preparation. However, we prepared within one and a half months.

We could do so because Chicago CBF has been having an annual Bible memorization competition for the last 20 years. In addition, it was possible due to our children’s desire for God’s word, the prayer support of Chicago UBF co-workers, and the labor of love of our parents.

The word of God is the life source of all believers. Memorizing the Bible is the best way to keep God in our deep heart. It is not easy to memorize Bible verses in this high-tech era, but thank God who revealed the hidden treasure, the word of God, to our little ones. May God help them not to memorize with only their heads, but from their heart so that they may practice God’s word throughout their lifetime.

Through this contest, we learned that growing children have a remarkable ability when they are disciplined for the glory of God. On the other hand, we found that there were almost no participants in the 15-40 age group.

Glory to God!

Chicago CBF,

Isaac Choi
