North Korea Prayer Meeting Report

Praise God who gave us a Friday night of presentation and prayer for North Korea. It was an inspiring night in Chicago UBF.

First, we heard 5 young second-gens who recited Bible passages: Annie Lee (Mt 5), Will Magardician (Mt 6), Sally Kim (Mt 7), Daniel King (Ps 1 & Ps 23), and Abraham Ahn (Heb 11). Between them, they covered the whole Sermon on the Mount and 163 Bible verses! They also won a local memorization competition.

Second, we heard a presentation from 4 young representatives of LINK (Liberty in North Korea). They are young college-age people who volunteered to help refugees from NK to live in other countries. We were encouraged by their passion and example to do something on behalf of others who are suffering. May God help all our young people not follow the “Me-generation” seeking personal success and fun, but live as part of a “We-generation” of being mindful of others who suffer and need hope in God.

Third, we heard from delegates representing YUST (Yanbian Univ. of Science and Tech.) in northeast China and PUST (Pyongyang U of Sci and Tech) in N.Korea. After watching a video about YUST and PUST, there were two presenters. Norma Nichols, the Director of International Affairs in YUST/PUST, shared about the academics at these schools. The second presenter was Dr.James Kim, the president and founder of YUST/PUST.  Dr.Kim introduced two most striking events in his life, but we feel sorry that we cannot introduce them because of security purpose. Dr.Kim urged us to send educated teachers and students to YUST and PUST and to have ownership of PUST. He concluded that we should strive to: understand, reconcile, forgive, respect, sacrifice, and say, “I’m sorry” and “Thank you.” This is the Christian life. All this is the way to say one thing: “I love you.” This is what Jesus calls us to. This is living with the promise of eternal life, eternal glory and eternal kingship. Praise God who is working through the prayers and faith of his people at YUST and PUST.
