Marriage Bible Study at Milwaukee UBF

“Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.”(Ge 2:22)

Marriage is a beautiful expression of love and unity. It’s such a precious blessing and to know that Christ, the Bridegroom, loves us as his bride gives us a deeper understanding of God’s love. In the Milwaukee UBF we had a great opportunity to come to a better understanding of marriage when Missionary Little Sarah Kim came from Chicago one Saturday evening to provide a special marriage Bible study. It was truly an insightful time where the Spirit of God worked.

Many of the shepherds and shepherdesses at Milwaukee UBF are seeking the Lord’s will for their marriage so most of us were very encouraged to participate. We have been praying to establish twelve house churches in the coming years for the sake of God’s world mission. These young shepherds and shepherdesses have been growing much at the Milwaukee ministry through studying God’s word, applying it, and by living a common life at the Milwaukee Discipleship House. Pastor Paul and MissionaryNaomi Dang also attended to provide a married couple’s perspective to the Bible study.

We began by having a time to share the answers to the marriage survey. This was quite an enjoyable time as we tried to define topics like beauty, roles, and more. Missionary Little Sarah then led us in a time of deep Bible study on Genesis 2:4-25. We saw how God created man and woman in such a blessed way for the purpose of relationship first with God and secondly with one another. Each question focused on God’s purpose and plan for marriage—we saw that it is indeed established by God and that in marriage one man and one woman become one flesh. We also learned of the importance of having a heart of commitment and the importance of receiving wise counsel to work out any issues that come up before and after getting married.

Missionary Little Sarah challenged the men to consider carefully God’s mission purpose for their lives before getting married. A man without clear mission purpose is prone to wander and confuse his wife and family, but a man of mission will lead his family in God’s true purpose. Missionary Little Sarah also asked the women to prepare their hearts to experience God’s love and to be suitable and supportive, especially in prayer. It was encouraging as well as eye-opening to hear from the experiences of Missionary Little Sarah.  God used the Bible study preciously to prepare each person for marriage.  Afterwards we had a blessed time of fellowship at dinner.(by James)
