Prayer request for quick recovery of M. Grace Sun Lee, U of I

Dear lovers of God,
Psalm 133:1, “How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity.”
Yesterday Grace Sun underwent a minor procedure to remove an ovarian cyst. This was found when she had her whole body scan right after the car accident in June. This was supposed to be a routine outpatient surgery but complications developed from the procedure. After the surgery there was internal bleeding so the surgeon had to open her up and stop the bleeding.
All is well and she is recovering well. She will be discharged today or early tomorrow morning. We are finishing up this semester. We are starting Thanksgiving break from today. After that we have two weeks of classes and then one week of finals. As always we want to finish strong by God's grace.It is always good to have brothers and sisters who pray for us and help us. Thank you for your prayers and help. This will be a good Thanksgiving and thank God for his gift of life.
Faith, Hope and Love in Christ
Sam Lee
Blog: Deeper Roots in Christ
How good and pleasant it is when Brothers live together in unity. -Psalm 133:1-