The 2011 3rd Annual CBF Teachers Conference Report

The 2011 3rd Annual CBF Teachers Conference Report

(Share together and grow together)

On Saturday, Nov. 12, 2011, the CBF teachers in Chicago UBF had their 3rd annual teachers conerence. A total of 36 gathered together, including Joshua Bark and Esther Paik (Toledo), Luis Alexandro (Wright), and Ruth Portgal (Triton).

M. Isaac Choi gave a keynote speech on Lk 2:52 and M. Monica Mun gave a lecture on classroom management, which was so excellent. After, seven teachers shared about their classroom experience, especially on how they teach. These seven were Sarah Yu, Tim McEathron, John Colagrossi, Theresa Sohn, Pauline Ahn, Birgit Pierce, and Joe Grady. Teachers were sincerely prepared and we had a lot to learn. Lastly, we discussed what the best teaching method was. In addition, we had a student survey report by M. Joseph Wang and we also filled out an conference exit survey.  After this meeting, we were united in heart to serve the little ones better. Chicago UBF graciously provided meals thanks to P. Ron.

Praise God who blessed this conference. We are so thankful that God granted us wonderful teachers who dedicate their hearts and minds and time each Saturday for the little children. Truly they are our children. May God bless our CBF ministry to raise future spiritual leaders!