Registration for the Well (formerly known as YDC)

The Well

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(formerly known as YDC)

In ancient times, the well was a meeting place, a place where people met together to find rest from their day-to-day lives, to have fellowship and to draw water. 

A woman once went to such a well in her town to draw water. But, like with many things in her life, she knew that after drawing water she would be thirsty again. When she came to the well, she met a man sitting on its edge, as if he had been waiting for her. The man asked her, "Will you give me a drink?" From her encounter with this man Jesus, the woman drew and tasted a different kind of water, quenching fully and in a lasting way, like nothing else-Living Water.

After tasting this Living Water of Jesus at the well, the woman went back to her town and told everyone about what happened to her.  And it became as Jesus said, this woman herself became a new kind of well for her town-"a spring welling up to eternal life."

The Well is a gathering place, a place to find rest. The Well is an annual New Year's retreat where college students and young adults from all around gather together to meet and personally encounter Jesus, the source of Living Water, either for the first time or newly. After encountering Jesus at The Well, our prayer is that each person may go back home continuing to draw Living Water, their lives becoming wellsprings of Jesus. We hope that we'll look in and around us and see a renewal of the Holy Spirit, of young adults encountering Jesus and finding full life in him.