Minneapolis, St. Paul and Eau-Claire UBF United Christmas Worship Service

Minneapolis, St. Paul and Eau-Claire chapters had a united Christmas Worship Service on December 4th at University of Minnesota student center. 82 attendants worshiped the King baby Jesus. Mother Barry came all the way from Chicago with M. Anna Yang to deliver a message and bless the worship service. After their arrival to Minneapolis on Saturday afternoon, God began to bless us with soft and beautiful snow. We enjoyed a white Christmas in advance.

The worship service began at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday and it consisted of two parts, worship and celebration. Worship team opened all attendants’ hearts with Christmas songs. Before Mother Barry’s message, the choir sang and glorified God with a peaceful chorus. Mother Barry delivered her graceful and powerful message based on Mt 2:1-12. The title of her message was “Worship the King!” Through her message, we could learn that we have to seek Jesus like the Magi who were truth seekers, because he is the only one worthy of our worship. Secondly, Jesus is our compassionate shepherd King, who laid down his life to set us free from the power of sin and death. Lastly, we have to worship King Jesus with great love and obedience. Mother Barry’s message was delivered with a power point presentation and gave all attendants a clear spiritual direction. During offering time, Minneapolis and St. Paul Orchestra played a beautiful music. We want to devote the offering to people who are on the verge of starvation in North Korea and suffering from TB. In the celebration part, Spencer Leubben and Heather Ashburn shared their beautiful testimonies. They testified how God guided their lives to their Shepherd King Jesus through one-on-one Bible studies. In Jesus, they grew as Bible teachers and now wanted to worship the King Jesus with all their hearts and complete obedience. By God’s grace, Heather will form a house church with Georgi, a Bulgarian Bible teacher on December 31. During the testimonies, Sarman Gultom sang “O Holy Night”. He worshiped the King with his beautiful song and deeply touched attendants’ hearts. He is from Indonesia and has sincerely studied the Bible with Shp. Chuck Voght. Eau Claire Orchestra and vocal team prepared special music and worshiped the King like the Magi. Finally Minneapolis dance team actively and powerfully worshiped Jesus with all their strengths. After the worship service, we had a beautiful dinner fellowship. We continually pray that God might bless the U of Minnesota and U of Eau Claire campuses to raise true worshipers and glorify His name. May God abundantly bless all of our Christmas Worship Services around the world. 

In Christ,

Stephen Yang
