(Video) Chicago Area United Christmas Worship Service 2011

Sunday, December 18, 2011 at 2:00 p.m.  at Regina Dominican High School Chicago UBF held a united Christmas Worship Service entitled “The Word Became Flesh” based on John 1:14.

God answered our two weeks of nightly prayers and preparation and filled the auditorium with many young and old, those who have come regularly for many years and those who came for the first time.  We all came together to learn newly who Jesus is to us.

The worship service was opened with Praise and Worship led by the Praise Team.  Our representative prayer servants were Dr. James Kim, Bob Henkins, Alex Herrera, and Abraham Zapata.  After reading the passage,  John 1:14, our chorus sang “Hark the Herald Angels Sing”  accompanied by the orchestra.  We felt the angels entered the auditorium to announce the birth of our LORD and Savior!

Pastor Kevin Albright then delivered his message entitled “The Word Became Flesh”  Pastor Kevin taught us the meaning of God our Creator becoming flesh.  He said that the incarnation and the resurrection are the two greatest miracles in human history.  Jesus was incarnated as a baby in a manger to teach us humility, sacrifice, obedience, and most of all, God’s love.    Second, Jesus’ incarnation reveals God’s glory to us.  Third, Jesus’ incarnation reveals God’s grace and truth.  Pastor Kevin used many examples from the life of Jesus recorded in John’s gospel to teach us that Jesus came as our savior to live among us that we may know God’s love, truth, grace and glory.  We have much to learn from Jesus and the significance of his incarnation became obvious to us as and we received him newly as our Savior and LORD.

Next we had a drama to support this message. The message from the drama was so powerful as Simon from Cyrene led his daughter and grandson, and then son-in-law to know Jesus personally.  Finally Simon, imprisoned together with his son-in-law, offers his life in his place and his daughter’s family is reunited.  We were moved by the evidence of the life of Jesus in one man Simon.  Especially the reenactment of the life of Jesus ending with his death on the cross was a powerful revelation that Jesus came to be with us and die in our place.

The drama was followed by a modern dance performed by the UBF dance team.  The expressive dance movements helped the audience reflect on the glory of God revealed through the miracle of the incarnate birth of Jesus.  Finally the chorus performed “Immanuel Medley” with shining faces and powerful voices wonderfully accompanied by the orchestra.  Mother Sarah Barry concluded our Christmas worship service with a powerful and sincere prayer.  We thank God for all those who served our Christmas worship service on stage and behind the scenes. 
