Kansas City UBF Christmas Report

“The virgin will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel (which means ‘God with us’).”   Matthew 1:23

Kansas City UBF celebrated 2011 Christmas worship service on December 11. Shepherd Matthew Chiesi delivered a wonderful message from Matthew 1:18-25. Jamal served as a presider. Ferdinand, Sandy, Alloch, and Noah Jr. shared their testimonies.

We thank God for his gracious work among UMKC (University of Missouri-Kansas City) young students. Under the leadership of Shepherd Matthew Chiesi, students have formed a fellowship to share testimonies on each Tuesday at a meeting room of the University Union.  Ferdinand (UMKC Business, Senior), Jamal (UMKC Communication, Senior), Sandy (UMKC Pre-Med, Junior), and Noah Jr. (UMKC Engineering, Sophomore) were faithful to weekly testimony sharing and to Sunday worship service. We pray for these students to grow to be Bible teachers and shepherds for other UMKC students.

Shepherd Matthew and Mary Chiesi is a faithful house church. Their two children are very cute: Rebekah (5 yrs old) and John (3 yrs old). Dr. Martin and Lydia Mun is a shepherd family. Their four children are precious: Gloria (12 yrs old), Abraham (10 yrs old), Joseph (8 yrs old), and Andrew (6 yrs old). This year, my family attended historical UBF 50th Anniversary World Mission Report.  Noah Jr. (15 yrs old) met Jesus personally through 2010 Peoria Summer Bible and is growing in the word of God through faithful weekly testimony writing.

May God help UMKC coworkers to live Jesus-centered lives. May God raise up 12 disciples of Jesus and 12 women of prayer, and gather 120 flock of God.  May God bless UBF world campus pioneering task all the more. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

In Christ,

Noah Rhee
