St. Louis UBF Christmas Report, USA

St. Louis UBF had Christmas Worship Service on Dec 18th at the Bible house titled “Worship the King”, based on Matthew 2:1-12. Unlike the previous years, we didn’t invite neighbors or rent a big hall, but focused on growing disciples and new students. Jesus was the true object of our worship, love, and devotion. So with the attitude of the Magi, each worshiper brought their gifts to the King Jesus and presented them to him. Shepherd Ben West, Priscilla, and Andrew brought their testimonies and HBF, CBF brought music to the King Jesus. We all praised the King by singing “Hallelujah”. God sent 3 Wash U. freshmen, Bobby, Bowe, and Erica to the worship service as fruits of our fall semester ministry in Wash U. UMSL professor Dr. Pichi blessed the meeting with her sincere prayer and all missionary families served the Lord with joy and the spirit of unity. May the name of Jesus be praised forever!

Paul Choi
