Sendai Christmas Worship Service Report 2011, Japan

Merry Christmas!

We had a Christmas Worship service on Dec. 25 at our house. My oldest daughter (7th grade) presided and O delivered the Christmas message. Mi-H shared her life testimony. We had a second part. T and Mi-H sang a special song in Japanese, Korean, and English. One of our Bible students, K, performed a traditional dance. Our three children (Gang-E: organ, Ayako: trumpet, Esther: flute) also played Christmas songs bravely with their instruments after many practices.

O, in her Christmas message, shared how it was wonderful grace that Jesus came as a baby in a manger to save her from her deep sins of hatred and zealous. Out of her great gratitude toward God, she resolved to only serve God and reveal herself as a follower of Jesus to her family members, which will not be easy at all. Before going back to her hometown for New Year's, she is going to stay with us for a day in order to pray together. May God grant her one word of God so that she may win the spiritual victory.


I thank God for teaching me one important lesson in preparing this Christmas worship service. One of our Bible students, A.B, could not attend the worship service due to her work schedule. Another student, S.D, was supposed to attend with her testimony to share at our meeting. But she disappeared on the day of the worship service with some reasons and went back to her hometown. I deeply realized how much I need to pray and have prayer support from others.

My heart was deeply broken by my lack of a deep shepherd heart and prayer. In spite of my weaknesses, God was so gracious and gave our family a wonderful time of fellowship with three growing Bible students.

Thank you for your prayer support for Sendai. We see how God is working in our growing students through your prayer support around the world. May God richly bless all of you with God’s words and vision in this new year.
