Mid-Atlantic Region Leader's Retreat, USA

Happy New Year 2012!!!

The Mid-Atlantic region leaders held their retreat from Dec 29 to Dec 31 2011 at Bethany Beach resort, Delaware near the Atlantic Ocean. We had wonderful time of fellowship with heated discussions and reconciliation and mutual encouragement. We recognized that though we are different, we are one family in Christ who is our head.

About 50 people total, including children, attended the 2 nights-3 days retreat.  Members from Richmond, Charlottesville, Baltimore, Penn State, Pittsburgh, Lehigh, Philadelphia, Shippensburg and Washington UBF attended. On Thursday evening we shared reports from the various chapters.  The reports were warm and personal, touching on individual families and how everyone was doing. We enjoyed hearing the news about various goings on across the region. 

On Friday morning everybody shared a leisurely breakfast and fellowship in each of the condos we rented. Some headed out to the beach afterward, and others (including many children) had a fun time geocaching, led by Chris Kelly from Charlottsville.  Around 10 AM, we launched a very interesting discussion on relationships between teenage (and older) children and their parents, which segued into a very personal and encouraging discussion about relationships with spouses. The honest, open-hearted discussion really encouraged everyone who attended.  After a delicious lunch (the retreat lived up to its name - u-b-fat :), some went swimming in the clubhouse pool, others went for a walk on the boardwalk on the beach, and some also went shopping at the well-known outlet stores - to the benefit of some precious grandchildren! :)

For dinner we had a delicious spicy soup along with korean barbecue (pul-go-kee), along with a staple favorite of many, kim-chee. :)  After dinner we had a hymn sing, including Father Abraham (good exercise :), and then gathered for a discussion of the state of the communion, introduced by Chris Kelly.  

The discussion was very earnest and quite productive - it took a little time to get started, but once we engaged it took off and went for almost 2 hours.  It was an excellent chance for the mid-Atlantic elders to discuss a topic of import for the chapters.

Many views were expressed, and the general conclusion drawn that UBF is moving towards a more traditional 'church' model as opposed to a strictly (house) church-planting model.  In other words, the discussion centered around what is needed to support churches both during and after 'planting'.  It is important to support a house church after they were sent out. Three or more families must go out as pioneers not just a single family. 

A key point raised was the importance of having a personal calling from the Lord to establish a church in a new area, and the subsequent need for proper training and support of individuals so called, including the need for formal training and ordination. M. Jacob noted that many of these materials are under development.  The following morning a few brave souls headed out to see the sun rise over the ocean, after which we had another time of warm fellowship over breakfast.

After a group picture, we shared a final lunch and headed home. "Thank you Lord for blessing our gathering in so many ways. Please give us wisdom to guide our chapters in Your will in 2012 so that we may accomplish all that is in Your heart and mind for us. In Jesus' Name, Amen. Hallelujah!!" Lord bless you all in 2012 to fulfill all He has in mind for you and your chapters!! In Jesus' Name, Amen.

In Christ,

Reported by Dr. Bill Pottenger from Lehigh UBF
