Chicago HBF Winter Retreat 2012: Jesus, A Ransom

Chicago HBF Winter Retreat 2012: Jesus, A Ransom

Key Verse Mark 10:45

For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.

This year our winter retreat was a short, sweet, and intimate retreat. There were 17 high school students, along with 6 HBF teachers, who attended. We met together at Dixon Valley Camp on Jan 1 and Jan 2. We had three prayer topics for the retreat. First, that everyone takes time to reflect on last year and receive direction for the New Year. Second, that we begin the first day of the year with the word of God. Third, that we grow in love and community with one another as a spiritual family.

In praying for a key verse for 2012, HBF teachers began by seeing what God was doing in HBF students in 2011. We saw God working in many different ways. Some took initiative to act in compassion such as starting an LiNK chapter in Chicago. Others took leadership roles at schools, in Bible Clubs, orchestra, and Praise Team. And we looked forward to 2012 and noticed that this year is going to be a year in which we really spread across the globe. With these things in mind, we wanted to pray to dedicate 2012 as a year of going into the world to be a blessing growing as servants.

The first night of the retreat, we had Bible study on Mark 10:45. After Bible study, everyone had time to write their New Years key verse testimonies. We finished the night program with a time of prayer, praise and worship led by Benji Toh. This was a blessed time of intimate fellowship with God.

The next morning everyone shared their testimonies all together. The testimonies were all honest and sincere. After everyone shared, we heard the message delivered by Sam Toh. The message pointed our hearts to Jesus who served us by dying on the cross for our sins. We thought about true greatness and servanthood by first thinking about Jesus who gave his life as a ransom for us. We realized we need our Redeemer Jesus who takes our selfish and worldly ambition and makes it a godly and selfless compassion to serve others. Only when we are ransomed we can truly grow in servanthood.

Missionary David gave us closing remarks with prayer and thanks to God. The retreat finished with team building activities and a big indoor soccer match.

We are thankful for Missionary Sarah B Choi, Anna Toh and Francis Choi who served the retreat in many ways. May God bless young high school students to be great in God's sight by learning to serve others in 2012.