Milwaukee UBF Church Dedication Service, WI

Milwaukee UBF had a Dedication Service for their beautiful new church building at 1250 E. Hampton Ave in Whitefish Bay, WI 53217 on Saturday, February 4th, 2012 at 12 noon. Around 150 coworkers came from UBF Los Angeles, St. Louis, U of I, U of C, Triton, COD, NIU, and UIC as well as Milwaukee.

After the Milwaukee Praise Team led us in joyful worship, Pastor Paul Dang gave us a welcoming address full of thanksgiving to God.  S. Chris Blaske served as presider. M. Sarah Barry, Dr. James H. Kim, Dr. Joseph Ahn, P. Ron Ward, and Dr. Charles Baik offered representative prayers.

Then we had two special songs – “My Tribute” by the Milwaukee UBF children’s orchestra, and “We Are God’s People” by the Milwaukee Young Disciples.  

Pastor Abraham Kim gave a dedication message entitled, “Have the mind of Christ” (Philippians 2:1-18). If we have the mind of Christ - humility, servant-ship and obedience - then our church can become one even as God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are One. Pastor Abraham also thanked God for providing Milwaukee UBF with this spacious building and encouraged the Milwaukee coworkers to be united in Christ. He admonished everyone to adopt the mind of Jesus, considering others better than ourselves. He also prayed that the church would become a house of prayer for all nations and a modern Mount Zion, to which many young students will come to study God’s word. After Pastor Abraham Kim’s message, S. Jim Rarick played a Clarinet solo - “Hungarian Dance No. 5.”

Next was a movie compiled by Hannah Rarick which presented the history of Milwaukee UBF. There were six parts of the presentation – 1st, pioneering Milwaukee; 2nd, fiery trials; 3rd, the desert buds with roses; 4th, remodeling the Bible House; 5th, the Discipleship House; and 6th, a United Ministry. We saw that many servants of God had labored in and been sent out from Milwaukee – M. Augustine & Mary Park, Dr. Joshua & Gloria Choo, S. Jeremiah & Mary Cowen, S. Jim Rarick, M. Vivian Wolff, S. Hazel Womack, Dr. Rimas & Angela Orentas, Dr. Abraham & Sarah Kim, M. Isaac & Deborah Lim, Dr. Abraham Lee, etc. After Dr. John Jun administered the benediction, S. Jeff Cummings gave prayer topics and announcements.

The following are Milwaukee UBF’s prayer topics:

1.      Each member would be a wise builder who puts God’s word into practice

2.      Milwaukee UBF members would love God with all our hearts and love each other as Christ loved us.

3.      12 new house churches in 2012.

4.      120 disciples by 2020.

5.      Milwaukee UBF may be a gospel-centered and missionary sending chapter.


