2012 North York UBF Spring Bible Retreat Report, Canada

We had Spring Bible retreat on March 9th to 11th 2012, with the title “Lost and Found.” God raised four messengers: Matthew Vander Kooij, Paul Lee Jr. Joseph Song and Andrew Han Jr. They had the messenger’s camp to prepare the messages, gathering every Saturday and Sunday 3 weeks before the retreat. They committed themselves to prayer and preparation of their messages. God blessed their messages and helped them to serve their messages. Matthew Vander Kooij served Luke 15:1-7, the parable of the lost sheep, confessing that he was like a lost sheep but he was found in Jesus’ love through Bible study. Paul Lee Jr. delivered Luke 15:11-32, the parable of the lost son, portraying God’s unconditional love for the lost. He testified that he was just like the prodigal son, but Jesus accepted him with his love when he turned his heart to God. Joseph Song served Luke 23:26-56, Jesus’ love for sinners on the cross, describing God’s forgiving love for sinners through Jesus’ death on the cross. His message moved many attendant’s hearts and God’s forgiving love was revealed powerfully. On Sunday Andrew Han Jr. served Mark 6:30-44, feeding the five thousand, emphasizing our responsibility to take care of God’s sheep. He encouraged us to go and find our five loves and two fish.

There were three world mission reports: Oita-Japan mission report by Missionary Ray Grondin (Isaac Kim read M. Grondin’s report). NIU-USA report by Pastor Kevin Jesmer (Through Multimedia), and short term mission journey to Uganda by Theresa Sung (London, Ontario). These mission reports challenged many young students to enlarge their vision and hope for the world. After hearing the reports, we wrote the words of encouragement to M. Ray and Kevin’s family on the big sheets of paper and sent them.

Four life testimony speakers: Daniella Kim, Joel Fast, Jonathan Lee, and Nicolas St-Arnoult (Montreal). God abundantly blessed our bible retreat by accepting our prayer and hearts devotion for the retreat. All 39 attendants received the love of God through this retreat and made decisions of faith to offer our five loaves and two fish to Jesus and participate in the work of God’s love. May God re-establish Canada a missionary sending country again.
