Five loaves and two fish orchestra raised 4000 dollars for PUST, New Jersey

Thank God for blessing our five loaves and two fish orchestra to raise up 4000 dollars for PUST. Thank God for our second generations and shepherds who learn how to find out their fives loaves and two fish for the glory of God. I also thank God for raising up Joseph Lee Jr as the spiritual leader who can organize the 5 loaves and 2 fish orchestra, coworking with Sh. Joshua Lim from Korea. I thank God for all orchestra members and coworkers from New York UBF, Columbia UBF, and Lehigh UBF who joined as orchestra members.

When I pray about how to fire the hearts of  our second generations and shepherds with the world mission vision, I believe that 5 loaves and 2 fish orchestra may be a good way. When late Dr. Lee prayed for sending missionaries to Russia within 10 years in 1985, the hearts of all coworkers in Korea were burned with the world mission vision for Russia. And God heard his prayer not in 10 years but in 5 years and opened for sending missionaries to Russia. Learning from his spirit of prayers, we want to continue to support PUST next 5 years by having 5 loves and 2 fish orchestra with 70 orchestra members and 70 chorus and over 700 audience at Nicholas Music Hall of Rutgers University. (Every 3rd week Sat in February for the next 5 years.)  

Once again, thank God for your prayer support.

 In Christ,
John Park