Waterloo Spring Retreat Report, Canada

On March 24, 25 Waterloo chapter had a spring retreat at Braeside Camp, Paris, Ontario. Around 60 people attended including guests; three students from Toledo and  one UIC fellowship, seven people from Guelph. The title of the retreat was “I AM with three themes of Encounter, Deliverance and Calling from Exodus 3. Clara Yoon covered the first theme, “Encounter” with her workshop style message. Her message and her personal testimony testified that we were made to encounter God and He desires to encounter each person in a real way as He did for Moses. After her talk,  we had small group workshops based on three questions she raised, “What does it mean to encounter God? Why does God want to encounter us? What kind of season am I  in?” In the evening, Andy Stumpf talked about “Deliverance”. He powerfully revealed God as the God of fire and I AM, YHWH. He encouraged us to see ourselves as burning bushes and to claim freedom given through Christ. He led a prayer session in which many people came forward for deliverance. The Holy  Spirit worked powerfully, opening our hearts to acknowledge the bondage we are in and cry out for His mercy. Many people experienced deliverance and freedom. We celebrated with tears of joy and dance worshiping the Lord until late. On Sunday, Kris Wu shared a message on “Calling.” His message clearly revealed that I AM calls his people out of the misery of sin into a covenant relationship in which He sees us as His treasured possession. He also pointed out that in addition to his basic calling, each person receives an unique calling. Many people responded to the altar call to dedicate themselves as deliverers. We ended the retreat with communion by remembering the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus. We collected the offering to support one brother’s skate board mission in East Asia. We give thanks, praise and honour to our God I AM who loves with his burning love and encounters each of us personally, delivers us from all kinds of bondages and calls us for His glorious purposes. 

Joshua Yoon
