London Canada UBF Spring Retreat


On March 24-25, 2012, London UBF held a spring retreat at Maple Grove Retreat site. The title was “The Power of the Gospel” where we studied Romans 1:1-17. M. John Kang started off the first day with a presentation titled “What is the gospel?” We learned that the gospel offers 4 promises: redemption, victory, love of God and heavenly kingdom. We then gathered in groups to study the passage of Romans 1. Afterwards we listened to the main message by M. Caleb Park where the power of the gospel clearly spoke to us. We concluded that the gospel indeed has the power to impact everyone, freeing us from the bondage of sin. Each person took some time to reflect on how the gospel has personally changed their lives and shared among the group. In the evening, we heard Theresa Sung speak based on the book called “Heaven is so Real” by Choo Thomas. It taught us that we all need to sincerely pursue purity in order to see and experience the kingdom of God. We were also encouraged to be ready for Jesus as he is ready for us and is waiting to return soon. The night was ended by praise and prayer as many of us worshipped and praised Jesus with joy and tears. We prayed for one another as people made decisions of faith and had renewed desire to deepen their relationship with Christ.

The next day we returned to our bible house and held a workshop based on John 21. We all received love letters from Jesus who asked us personally “Do you truly love Me?” We then held our worship service followed by baptism and communion. Lydia Kim confessed her love for Jesus and publicly made the decision to follow Him all the days of her life. She was baptized as co-workers prayed for her. Afterwards we had communion led by P. Isaac Sung where each person participated in remembering Jesus on the cross. We thank God who loves us so much as he blessed our retreat from beginning to the end.

London Canada chapter










