Cerritos UBF Pioneering Report, CA

Thank you for giving me the chance to introduce the newly born Cerritos U.B.F.  I’m Abraham Jeong. Let me share with you the key verse, visions, and prayer topics of Cerritos UBF and my personal testimony.

The Key verse of Cerritos U.B.F. is Acts 1:8:“You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

I was born in 1968 in Korea. My father was a professor and my mother was a housewife. I was raised in a happy family that seemed to lack nothing. I honored and respected my parents because they were kind to me and gave me all things I needed. But my family didn’t believe in God. When I went to the Dental University, I joined the Mountain Club. Whenever I went to the mountains, I would get drunk. My life goal was to climb Mount Everest and die in the snow at the peak of the mountain. While I was in that state, God sent one shepherdess to me and I started Bible studies as a freshmen. I accepted Jesus as my Savior during the Summer Bible Conference. My goal in life changed to serving wandering souls as a shepherd. I was trained through 1:1 Bible study, attending Sunday Worship service, and testimony writing and sharing in college. I served sheep with all my heart and raised disciples of Jesus in medical and dental school. When I pioneered dental colleges, I preached the gospel to almost all the people of the schools and I was persecuted by professors and students. I started the first common life in dental school with my sheep. God established my House Church with Sarah Jeong who was a fulltime shepherdess. God gave me Genesis 12:1, 2 calling my family as a missionary family to serve campus mission, and even world mission in America. I took an America dental exam and my wife also passed the RN exam. God sent us with 3 children as a missionary family. During the last 10 years, God gave us a green card and 2 dental offices. I served the second gen ministry. I am praying that all the second gens can co-work with their parents, and do a greater work of God serving campus mission. Last year, my father suddenly died during a surgery due to the surgeon’s mistake. I went to Korea during his surgery. That was the last time I saw him. I was so shocked by his death even though he accepted Jesus as his Savior. Through this experience, I realized that there’s only a simple step between life and death. I felt the burden and the urgent feeling for each person’s soul on earth. I felt that it was my urgent responsibility to reach out to as many souls as possible to save them from going to hell. I repented for three days last summer through fasting and praying. During Thanksgiving, I fasted three days again to ask for the compassionate heart of a shepherd. I studied with sheep the Bible passage Genesis 17:1, “I am God Almighty; walk before me and be blameless.” I asked God the meaning of this verse. I served two or three Bible students, served the Youth ministry through weekly Genesis studies, and worked six days a week in two different dental offices. But God said, “Be blameless.” So when I prayed about this, God taught me that deep inside me, my desire was to buy a nice house, work a decent amount, and serve the ministry in some ways; this life was just like any Christian immigrant’s life. When God revealed this desire to me, I repented. My heart was restored and was burdened to the point that I could not sleep. When I went to Korea this year, there was a New Year’s Conference. I listened to the message based on Numbers 13 and 14. God touched my heart and gave me every sign possible to pioneer a campus. I shared my vision to the staff shepherd in Gwangju. Dr. Park said he will pray for this. Missionary Isaac Kim preached Acts 1:8, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” The words “in all Judea” stuck out to me and reminded me of Cerritos College. That is the college that Bible student Paul Cho attends as well as many students of my coworker Sarah. I gained faith that if God delights in my family, he will lead us to Cerritos College. I shared my vision to Missionary Isaac Kim and after two days, I found the proper house located a few blocks away from Cerritos College. I pray that God may use my family to pioneer Cerritos College and that I may be filled with His Word to serve Sunday Worship Services and Bible studies. I also pray that we may be used as God’s instruments to deliver His words and that my daughter will be my close coworker as she begins college this fall. We just started a new ministry for Cerritos College last month with missionary Samuel Seon’s family and Paul Cho who is a second gen in Cerritos College. I pray that we may be used powerfully to pioneer Samaria and the ends of the earth as precious missionaries in the near future.

Prayer topics for Cerritos U.B.F.

1. May God help us to pioneer Cerritos Campus and raise many disciples of Jesus.

2. Powerful messages on the book of Romans on Sunday worship services.

3. To co-work well with Msn. Samuel Seon’s family.
