Lincoln Park UBF Easter Retreat Report

April 6–8, 2012, Camp Wonderland, WI

This year we decided to have our annual Easter retreat focusing on strengthening growing leaders. We thank and praise God who blessed our preparations and our retreat with his life-giving word. We wanted to focus on the meaning of Jesus’ death and resurrection. So young people chose the Bible passages for the main messages, Isaiah 53 and John 20. Last Easter two of our undergraduate students, Chris and Susannah, gave the main messages. It was so gracious that we decided to do that again. This year David and Max volunteered to be the main speakers. They dedicated themselves to three weeks of message preparation, studying the Bible passage, writing a personal reflection on it, and then, writing and re-writing their manuscript. We also wanted to have life testimonies from each of our age groups: one from undergrads, one from grads, and one from seniors. So Michelle, Debbie and Hannah wrote for several weeks in the midst of their busy schedules. We wanted to have an opening message and two morning devotions messages, so Matt, Brandon and Luther dedicated themselves to preparing. And we asked three of our student leaders, John, Chris and Susannah, to lead our group Bible studies, along with Jihan. Joy prepared icebreakers. To prepare for our retreat we had three weeks of nightly prayer meetings, studying the apostles’ resurrection messages from the book of Acts. Co-workers and a few students took turns sharing messages each evening, and we gathered to pray earnestly for all the messengers, life-testimony sharers and group study leaders. Jihan and Isaac worked hard as environment makers. Abe worked hard to help the messengers. Our worship team, including Joy, Susannah, Max, David and Chris, gave their hearts to prepare gracious music.

We arrived at Camp Wonderland at noon, had lunch, and after lunch we had our opening service, and then, studied Isaiah 53 in small groups. After dinner we heard the main message by David. He spoke with deep conviction about Jesus the Suffering Servant who was wounded so that we may be healed. After his message, we had icebreakers and joyful fellowship. On Saturday morning Brandon spoke at morning devotions on Romans 6:1–5. He explained that we are united with Jesus in his death, and also, in his resurrection, and that this especially means participating in Jesus’ sufferings and depending on his resurrection power to live the new life. After breakfast, we studied John 20:1–18 in small groups. Then, after lunch, we had some free time. Some people formed a soccer team and played with the Hyde Park UBF coworkers, who were also at the conference site. At 4:00 PM we gathered to hear the main message on John 20 by Max. He explained how meeting the Risen Jesus sets us free from our fears and sorrows and from all the power of death. After dinner, we gathered to hear the three life testimonies. Michelle shared how she learned the love of Jesus through the friendships she has had in the UBF community since she came in the 5th grade. Debbie shared how God made her his handiwork by his grace to use her life for his salvation purpose. Hannah shared how she overcame sorrows and how God has used her family for world mission in Korea and America. Afterwards, we had a campfire. Sunday morning Luther gave a devotional message on John 11:25–26, challenging us to really believe Jesus is risen. After breakfast, we gathered in our small groups to share our reflections on the word of God. Then we had our worship service at 11:00 AM. Pastor Mark spoke on John 20:19–23, “I Am Sending You.” We learned that it is the Risen Jesus who is sending us to be his witnesses, to do what he did, and he fills us with the Holy Spirit and tells us mainly to share his message of the forgiveness of sins.

Two new students, Mackenzie and Matt, attended the retreat. They were really encouraged by the joyful fellowship and by the word of God. One of Mackenzie’s friends had tragically committed suicide just two days before we left for the retreat. She was in shock. But the resurrection message helped her to overcome the power of death. After the retreat, Chris was so inspired to be sent by Jesus and live as his witness that he started a new group Bible study on Saturdays with his classmates. We pray that we all may learn to live each day with the gospel of Jesus’ death and resurrection in our hearts, and, depending on the Holy Spirit, share this good news with all those around us. We pray that God may raise our young people as servants of his word and men and women of gospel faith that he can use for his glory.
