Tempe UBF Visiting Report, USA

This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness all. (1 John 1:5)

We had a senior staff meeting in Los Angeles, CA on May 20-21, 2012.  I longed to come to Tempe UBF in Arizona to have fellowship with our coworkers there.  The opportunity to go to Tempe did not come easily.  However, by God’s grace I was able to visit our Tempe coworkers after the senior staff meeting.  While I was in Tempe UBF, we studied 1 John Chapters 1-3, every evening for three days.  I was asked to deliver Sunday Worship Service message based on 1 John Chapter 1, entitled “Christian Koinonia”.

Koinonia is a Greek word for “fellowship”.  There are two kinds of fellowships: human fellowship and spiritual fellowship.  Human fellowship is basically self-centered, it seeks a personal benefit.  On the other hand, spiritual fellowship is God-centered, a fellowship based on the words of God and prayer.  This spiritual fellowship seeks God’s glory.  These days, the relationship problem is very serious because of selfishness.  We need Christian koinonia to resolve our relationship problem with each other. 

In observing the fellowship amongst Tempe UBF coworkers, they shared a beautiful fellowship with each other.  Missionary David and Ruth Kim have been in Arizona, serving Tempe ministry since 1989, for 23 years.  When guests come to visit Tempe, they plan to take guests to the Grand Canyon and willingly serve them with a warm welcoming heart, with lodging and delicious food in spite of their hectic and busy life.  They also support needy people and small ministry without asking for anything in return.  Recently, they served a Ph.D. student from Korea studying in Flagstaff, Arizona, about a two hour drive north.  She was involved in Korean UBF for about three and half years before coming to Arizona.  She also joined our 1 John Bible studies and was very encouraged by the words of God.  Missionary David Kim is a very good influence in his work place; he is an influential Christian as light of the world and salt of the earth.  Missionary Ruth has retired from her banking job and has since served ministry through prayer.  Practically, she serves by her willingness to babysit her five grandsons with a big smile.  Missionary David and Ruth Kim participate in raising their five grandsons with joy.

They raised two children, David Jr. and Hannah, very successfully.  David Jr. graduated from Arizona State University and works as an environmental engineer for the government.  David Jr. is growing into a spiritual leader who is being trained to eventually succeed Tempe ministry.  As a servant, he serves ministry practically by doing menial tasks that needs to be done.  He is also one of the messengers for Sunday services, along with Missionary David Kim and Shepherd Daniel Cheng.  David Jr. has family that consists of three boys, Samuel (5), Jonathan (3), and Young David (1).  His wife, Missionary Esther, diligently serves as a home maker by raising three vibrant boys and from time to time, also goes fishing with Missionary Deborah Cheng. 

Shepherd Daniel came to Arizona State University as a graduate student from Taiwan in 1989.  Right after coming to the states, he was introduced to Bible study by Missionary David Kim.  Since then he has been a faithful servant and wonderful coworker alongside Missionary David for Tempe UBF.  Shepherd Daniel is of pure heart and humble servantship, he became a pillar of faith for the Christian koinonia in Arizona.  He is an indispensable software engineer at Intel Company. Missionary Deborah Cheng was in Uganda for about two years serving students there.  She married Shepherd Daniel by faith and came to Arizona in 1996.  Missionary Deborah works full time as a social worker and serves family and ministry actively through fishing and diligent Bible study.  She is a mother of prayer who has deep compassion for campus students in Arizona State.  They have three children, Esther (13), Elizabeth (11), and Daniel Jr. (4).  Though Esther and Elizabeth are teenagers, they are obedient and faithful.  They are growing to be good coworkers for Tempe UBF.

Hannah Kim Park recently came back to Arizona from Norman, Oklahoma.  Her husband, Jung, will join her as soon as his business in Oklahoma is wrapped up and completed.  They will join Tempe UBF ministry. They have two boys, Andrew (5) and James (1). They will briefly go to Korea for Andrew’s hand surgery this summer.  Please pray for the Park family, successful surgery, and Andrew’s speedy recovery.

Tempe UBF has eight children, six under the age of five.  I encouraged them to establish a more systematic children’s program for children’s spiritual koinonia for their spiritual growth.  The older two, Esther and Elizabeth, can serve the younger children with the words of God as Bible teachers. Please pray for the Christian koinonia in Tempe UBF, that it can grow and expand not only to the children, but to the college campus, the community, and nation.

Reported by Dr. Mark Yang
