Honduras UBF Easter Conference Report

Honduras UBF had the Easter Conference during April 5-7.  Since we had many 1:1 Bible students, we expected many students to come to the conference.  M. David and I prayed together every night naming the sheep one by one before the conference.  We didn’t have messenger candidates among the growing people, so we decided to help young sheep receive God’s grace through preparing a message through serving a relay message.  So we helped sheep prepare personal testimonies. Although they are young, Laura, Yendy, Blanca, Ana, and Selina participated in it.  But as the conference date drew near, all of them wanted to return to their hometown. I repent for not helping them to the end through persistent prayer.

We prayed that this conference might not be another annual activity but might be a conference filled with the Holy Spirit. Although not many sheep attended it, Jenifer, Henri, Ana Lucia and Xiomitta wrote honest life testimonies and shared them. Henri and Xiomitta are sisters and their hearts were sad and full of worries about their mom who left home due to fights with their dad. But they invited their mom and younger siblings, Eber and Migdania to the conference and shared the grace of God.

Until she was 13 years old, Ana Lucia was badly influenced by ungodly friends, but by the help of one friend, she began to have spiritual desire to learn about God’s word. Afterward her mother didn’t allow her to go to church, so she couldn’t go. But from last year she began to come to our Bible study meetings. Through faithful Bible study, she received the first certificate of discipleship training and carried the prize, the Bible, faithfully to the Bible study with great pride. She shared her testimony with tears giving thanks to God for sending her a Bible teacher, and she also served a worship dance.

For the conference 12 people attended, 5 of them were our family plus Henri, Xiomitta, Ana Lucia, Jenifer, Eber, Migdania, and Henri’s mother.  During the conference, we prepared a worship dance, “We Are the Reason,” as our thanksgiving and praise toward God. Now we pray to help the sheep who attended the conference grow as  junior shepherds, so from this week we started a Thursday fishing meeting. Through daily bread and fishing training, we pray to raise Henri, Xiomitta and Ana Lucia as shepherds and prayer mothers for Honduras. Thank you very much for remembering Honduras UBF and praying for us.  We love you in Jesus!

M. David & Elizabeth Kang
Honduras UBF
