Daily Bread Writers' meeting, Chicago

After a lunch fellowship, the Daily Bread Writers’ annual meeting was held from 2pm to 5.30pm on Saturday, May 12, 2012 at Leningrad House presided by Dr. James Joung, the daily bread chair.

The attendees were the daily bread writers (Kevin Albright, Kevin Jesmer, Yvonne Timlin, David Miller, DK, Tony King, Dennis Miller, P. Ron Ward, P. Mark Vucekovich), and Mother Barry, Dr. Jose Ahn, Dr. Mark Yang, Dr. Augustine Suh, Dr. John Jun, P. Abraham Kim as well as the publication staff, Francesca Park, Isaac and Deborah Lim. Among the writers, four were absent (Grace Martin, Mark Gamber, Steve Stasinos and P. Teddy Hembekides). 

The opening Message was given by P. Abraham Kim from Galatians 2:20,  “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” He encouraged all writers to meditate on Jesus who was crucified for our sins at least 10 minutes before writing daily bread each time.

Book symposium on “How to Read the Bible for All its Worth" by Gorden D Fee and Douglas Stewart were presented by P Ron Ward, Tony King,  Kevin Jesmer and Yvonne Timlin.  The symposium gave us insight how to read and understand Bible in writing daily bread. We had discussion hour followed by writing assignment for year 2013. We made a tentative plan to have another meeting for daily bread writing workshop on November 3, 2012.  Please remember writers in your prayer. 
