Great Lakes Region Meeting Summary Report, USA

"Nevertheless, for the sake of his servant David, the Lordwas not willing to destroy Judah. He had promised to maintain a lamp for David and his descendants forever." (2Ki 8:19)

On May 11-12, the Great Lakes Region chapters had their regular bi-annual meeting in Akron UBF and began planning for a joint regional conference July 27-29. A small steering committee was formed and met Friday night in M. Isaac and Rebekah Kim's home to begin discussing conference goals and ideas. We all stayed the night at the Kim's and had breakfast and more time to talk together in the morning. This precious time promoted personal dialogue and steps toward greater relational connections among the committee members. On Saturday, all the regional leaders had Bible study on the next lesson from 2 Kings. Dr. Paul Hong led a 1-hour, pointed study on chapters 8-10. We considered God's grace through David and the meaning of Elisha's prophetic ministry for the people of Israel. Then each chapter leader discussed their current needs, the work of God and what expectations they had for the conference. We concluded with prayer and enjoyed a delicious and meaningful lunch fellowship together.      
