The First Chicago Area Fellowship Leaders' Workshop

The first Chicago area Fellowship Leaders’ Workshop for 2012 was held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday May 26 at the Leningrad House, Chicago Center. Around 50 key leaders joined including several chapters out of Chicago chapter. Pastor Abraham Kim, Mother Barry, and Dr. John Jun all attended. The program began at 9 a.m. with a group Bible study based on Acts 20:1-38, Paul’s farewell address to the Ephesian elders. There were 4 Bible study groups led by Darren Gruett (Leader, NEIU), Paul Shin (Leader, UIC), Steve Stasinos (Leader, UIC) and Rhoel Lomahan (Leader, WL). The leaders of the group Bible studies encouraged us to have free and open discussion based on the Bible passage and with questions. It was very refreshing as coworkers shared their convictions and personal stories. After group Bible study everyone returned to the Leningrad House where we heard the main message by Pastor Teddy Hembekides, two presentations by Shep. Josh Jeon and Msn. Joseph Ahn and then a Q/A session led by Pastor Abraham Kim and Pastor Ron Ward. The program commenced at 11 a.m. with a violin solo performed by Matt Groder who encouraged us to close our eyes and think of Paul and his flock on the beach sharing tearful fellowship. It was a beautiful solo.

After this we heard the main message given by P. Teddy, entitled, “Be Shepherds of the Church of God.” Teddy himself has been a good example of a shepherd for the Triton ministry during the last 3 decades. He set aside all other important items on his already busy schedule and dedicated his time and effort to prepare this message for us. That in itself already moved all the attendants’ hearts because of his shepherd heart for the fellowship leaders. Each verse seemed to be a key verse. He began by reading to us his own paraphrase of the passage, which was a message by itself. Then he focused on several things. First, he talked about Paul’s life example. Paul served the Lord. This meant that in serving the Lord he practically served others. His life of serving the Lord and God’s flock could not be separated. It was his life style. This never made him tired but he was rather compelled by the love and the grace of Jesus who forgave all his sins and called him to be the apostle to all the Gentiles. Also, in serving the Lord, he served with humility and tears. P. Teddy defined humility in this way: “…humility means that you must listen to the voice of God and do as God would have you do, and not do your own thing.” Humility doesn’t mean bowing down to others and kowtowing to them. Rather, it means submitting oneself to the will and sovereignty of God at the cost of his life. Humility is serving God’s purpose. Humility means spending time in prayer and in the word of God in order to find the will of God. Humility is to look on others with the compassion of Christ, and that sometimes requires our tears.

Pastor Teddy brought out the spirit of the apostle Paul who did not hesitate to teach anything from God’s word that would be useful for their spiritual growth. He did not hesitate to teach both Jews and Greeks, in public and even personally, house by house, “to return to God with repentance” and “have faith in the Lord Jesus.” Paul said he was compelled to preach to all by the Holy Spirit to be innocent of the blood of all men.”  Paul in humility had a clear life purpose to complete the task the Lord Jesus had given him of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace. Then Paul charged the Ephesian elders “to keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of God” and to “be shepherds of the church of God.” A shepherd’s concern is the sheep and the welfare of the sheep. Not only Paul himself but the Ephesian elders were compelled to preach the gospel. Likewise, we are compelled to preach the gospel. Pastor Teddy’s message helped all the fellowship leaders to meditate deeply on what kind of shepherds they should be. It was a very relevant and deep message.

After a delicious outdoor lunch prepared by M. Faith Grady, Shep. Joshua Jeon shared his shepherd testimony. He shared how God had revealed his many sins through the past four and a half years of fellowship leading – his competitiveness, his demand of respect, his self-centeredness, and self-consciousness. He also shared about how God himself worked in people’s lives and thanked God for it. One main thing he learned about fellowship in his experience was that the fellowship is defined by Christ himself since Christ is the head, not some superfluous characteristics – like good human relationships, personality type, or something else. He prays that Christ may be glorified, Christ may be sought, and the word of God be lifted up in his fellowship.

 Jose Ahn gave us a shepherd’s testimony, entitled “I am the good shepherd.” (John 10:11) He shared his painful failure as a fellowship leader like a thief and a hired hand. He knew he was called as a shepherd by the Holy Spirit, to care not only for his family but also the flock of God more dearly than his own life since Jesus bought them with his own blood. He worked harder in USA than any other places to feed sheep well. But it did not work as he desired. He found that he was working for his name’s sake and honor more than serving the Lord and serve others. He found that as a good shepherd he must have pure motives and purposes more than hard working. His tearful testimony moved our hearts.

 Pastor Abraham Kim encouraged all the fellowship leaders to live a good shepherd life making disciples and taking care of God’s flock one by one through personal care with 1 Peter 5:4 “And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away.”

 During the Q&A session, there were many sincere and edifying questions and answers and discussions among us about discipleship ministry, keeping our core values, etc. In our discussions, Pastor Abraham spoke of the importance of making one’s fellowship into “a spiritual family” where sheep can grow. As leaders, we must make an environment for spiritual growth through forming loving spiritual relationships. Also, leaders must be diligent to “keep watch over themselves and the flock of God”. As leaders, we must start by keeping watch over own hearts and lives through prayer, God’s word and repentance. Then we must encourage others to do the same.

 We will have our second Fellowship Leaders Workshop on June 23rd with the theme of “Disciple-Making Ministry.”  The workshop concluded with a prayer of blessing by Mother Barry so that we ended at 4.00 p.m.
