Baptism testimony by Diana Guzman, Chicago

Baptism testimony

Confession of Faith

Getting baptized in the name of Jesus Christ is a very special and great honor. It signifies one’s being committed to the person and purpose of Jesus Christ, having accepted his grace of salvation personally by faith. I admit that after accepting Jesus as my Savior in 2008, I avoided getting baptized for 4 years out of foolish fear. But finally, I’m making it public or official that I want to follow Jesus forever. Why do I want to follow Jesus, one might ask? I have 3 main reasons: Jesus died for my sins; through the Scriptures, I believe that He alone is the way, the truth, and the life; and He is transforming my life through his Holy Spirit.

First, He died for my sins. Jesus Christ, though he was fully God, chose to be incarnated and live among sinful humans. He experienced all the shame and pain, and most importantly, the death that my sins deserved even though he himself had never sinned. For my sake and because he is holy, Jesus fulfilled the full extent of the law of God, something that I could never accomplish. At the cross, He offered me his righteousness in exchange for faith/trust that his suffering and death were enough to satisfy God’s holy wrath against my sins. Romans 6:23 says “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Jesus didn’t have to die for the sins of the world, but he chose to die because love motivated him— rather he is love. John 15:13 says, “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.”

Second, the Scriptures say Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. From my reading of Scripture, the Holy Spirit has shown me that Jesus is the promised Messiah that our Almighty Father promised to send when mankind first sinned. Acts 4: 12 says, “And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” All of the Old Testament prophesies and looks forward to Jesus’ incarnation, ministry, death, and resurrection. All of the New Testament shows why Jesus is the Savior of sinful human beings. In addition, testimonies of people all around the world who have followed Jesus Christ throughout history also testify to his identity as God’s prescribed way of salvation.

Third, He is transforming my life. Jesus has made his home in my heart ever since I accepted him as my Savior in April of 2008. Before knowing Christ as my Savior, I had lied often to my parents and others; I idolized my many boyfriends and became impure; I lived for academics and my glory; and I neglected God. Through John 8:31-36, God showed me that I was a slave to sin, specifically lust, deceitfulness, jealousy, fear that stems from idolatry and pride, and that only Jesus could free me. After accepting Christ as my Savior, he gave me victory over deceitfulness and carnal indulgence. He’s helped me keep the promise that I made in 2008 to not kiss another guy until my wedding day. He’s helped me draw closer to him through daily Bible reading and praying.

Christ is helping me to also grow in faith and share his love and joy with family, friends, and students. I know I’m a work in progress. But looking back on my life and how far Jesus has brought me gives me great hope for what he can do in and through me as I continue to follow him. My prayer is that my relationship with Jesus may be central to how I live, and that God may be glorified through my life as I grow as a Bible student/teacher, nurse, and a future wife, mother, and missionary.
