A River of Life at Milwaukee UBF

A River of Life at Milwaukee UBF 

“Swarms of living creatures will live wherever the river flows. There will be large numbers of fish, because this water flows there and makes the salt water fresh; so where the river flows everything will live.” (Ezekiel 47:9)

At the Milwaukee UBF, we were delighted to have a special Bible study from Msn. Maria and a powerful message given by M. Joseph on the weekend of June 2, 2012. We focused on Ezekiel 47:1-12, which is Ezekiel’s vision of a river from the temple of God. Imagine: Saltwater becoming fresh, swarms of vibrant fish, trees that are large, fruitful, and green—these are some of ways to imagine the life-giving work that God is doing at the Milwaukee UBF. He truly gave us encouragement and refreshment for the ministry just finding an oasis in a desert.

In order to go deep into God’s word, we had a special group Bible study on Saturday evening in which every seat was filled. Msn. Maria led the Bible study as we learned about this river of life that the Lord provides to us. Each person had a chance to share what God had given to them. We learned of how God’s work can start out small like a trickle of water, but then grow into a mighty thing like a vast river. We were reminded of Genesis 2 and Revelation 22 where rivers are mentioned. God also spoke to us on how Jesus provided the woman at the well in John 4 with living water. God revealed how the Holy Spirit works to bring life to our souls. We were amazed to see how powerful God’s transforming work is as we learned that the Dead Sea had 33.7% salinity yet the river of life could transform even it to fresh water. That gave us vision for seeing Bible students with eyes of faith in God’s ability to make them alive in Christ.

Through M. Joseph’s message on Sunday morning, everyone was blessed. The title of the message was “The River of Life, Jesus.” God gave him great insight so that the message was simple enough for everyone to grasp while also having the deep significance that God want us to have. We were reminded at how the temple of God was the source of the water and how Jesus gave his body (“the temple”) and blood on the cross so that we may have life. M. Joseph spoke first on the depth of the river’s water and how that represents our deepening relationship with the Lord God. Many were convicted of their shallow faith. Secondly we learned of the abundant fruit that is produced by all that touches the water of life from the river. It was so encouraging to realize God’s power to bring life to even that which seems so dead. At one point in the message, M. Joseph spoke of how Jesus gave Lazarus new life. Suddenly everyone was quite surprised when Paul Dang Jr. came out on stage wrapped in linen (actually toilet paper) acting as Lazarus being raised from the dead! We were so blessed to have M. Joseph and Maria Ahn come to visit us with such deep spiritual blessings and good fellowship.

Afterwards we had a delightful cookout at the backyard of the new church building that God has gracious provided. Everyone there was so happy to be together in the Lord as the sun glistened down through the trees. The children were especially glad as they could spend more time playing outside. God has been so gracious to us—and where his river of life flows, everything will live.

Our prayer topics are as follows:

1. May the river of life flow in and through us/one to one/ group Bible study /pulpit. Establish 60 one to one Bible studies and 60 worship attendees each week this year.
2. Joint Summer Bible Conference July 26-29/Be shepherd of God’s flock/80 attendants.
3. Establish the house churches of 12 single co-wokers by God’s grace
4. God may fill our church with truth seekers and worshipers of God and raise 120 disciples who will go out to the ends of the earth as missionaries and shepherds.
5. Dr. Charles and Hannah Baik, M. Joanne Lee’s house church’s trip to Korea
6. M. Hannah Rarick’s short term mission trip to St. Petersburg (6/29-7.15)/Be a blessing especially to M. Ruthy

By James Tetzlaff
