World Mission Night in Chicago UBF

On Friday, June 15th at 6:30pm, the World Mission Night was held in the Chicago main center with around 350 members from 8 Chicago area chapters. The program began with an update on the 2012 UBF Christmas offering by M. Birgit Pierce. The total amount was $168,817.88 and went to various countries like North Korea, Thailand, China, etc. as well as local ministries here. The CBF collected $1,065 from the CBF Christmas Worship Service. Next, we heard a brief update from the director of Hillside Pantry who thanked us for the UBF offering of $13,000.00 to their ministry. They bought two large double-door refrigeration units and financed a movie for ministry. After prayer and a Scripture reading from Matt 28:19-20, the formal program began.

The 1st presenter was MAF (Mission Aviation Fellowship) represented by Amos and Emily Lightner, Mother Barry’s niece. MAF is a worldwide ministry started by Christian pilots from WWII who use the airplane to overcome barriers to preach the gospel. MAF brings God’s word and needed medical supplies to those far from civilization. Amos and Emily serve in Central Asia. Emily once thought that God wanted her to serve the Arab world but when that door closed, God opened another through marrying Amos Lightner and sharing his vision for aviation ministry. Amos was saved at the tender age of 6 and felt called to missions when he was a mature 7-year-old. Since the age of 21, he has been serving MAF. Their beautiful family revealed the blessing of serving God together as man and wife in Christ with the same mission.

Next, we heard the mission report on Europe: Portugal and Spain by newly named Shepherdess Sarah Theresa Ahn with the title, “Jesus, the River of Life in Spain and Portugal.” M Mateus and Rebecca have been in Portugal for the 23 years. M. John and Grace joined 8 years ago. Mateus’ advice to them as pioneers was: “Don’t try to do many things. Be faithful to one thing before God. Mission is a joy not a burden. When mission is a burden, then something is wrong.” Sarah Neusa, a PhD student, is growing as an ancestor of faith in Portugal UBF and prays to establish a house church. Joshua and Esther Kang, Pablo and Pauline Oh are serving in Spain. Portugal and Spain are not doing well economically, but Jesus is their River of Life. May God raise Spain and Portugal as missionary sending countries.

Joanne Kim gave a report on her visit to the Middle East where she served as baby sitter/prayer servant. She learned that God wants us to obey Him “now”. Now is the time of salvation. She said that many people in that region see Jesus in their dreams and really want to know who he is. They pray for 1 Abraham and 1 Sarah in each ME country.

M. Hannah Kuper gave a short Argentina/Bolivia journey report. She attended the glorious wedding of the first house church in Argentina UBF between Erendira from Buenos Aires UBF and Marco Antonio of Bolivia UBF. Although Marco is a successful radio producer, he was willing to leave everything behind to serve God’s work in Buenos Aires. Their house church is significant because they are a pure Latin American missionary family. The wedding was held in Bolivia UBF Center. M. Marco Antonio will be the first missionary sent out from Bolivia UBF. Buenos Aires is praying that God may establish 5 house churches in two years and that Argentina may be missionary-sending. (In between a special song was sung by the Milwaukee UBF Vocal team. It was very joyful and reminded us of Sound of Music.)

CIS (Minsk, Belarus) visiting report was given by P. Mark Vucekovich who gave us some highlights of his journey with photos and short video clips of Paul and Hannah Oh who have served there 20 years and some UBF members and young people (Sergei, Lydia, Pamela). They are still suffering from the terrible aftermath of the 1986 Chernobyl disaster that affected Belarus the most. In reality, there is little religious freedom; registration as a Christian church/organization is discouraged by the tedious process. 70% of the population is Christian and 28% non-Christian. Americans can go to Russia as coworkers in 3 ways: English teacher, embassy worker or as a graduate student at Univ. of Minsk. Pray for Paul O. to get a PhD and Sam to meet Jesus personally.

Hannah Rarick finished her 1st yr at Milwaukee. She asked us to pray for her upcoming CIS visit to St. Petersburg (6/29-7/15). She prays to learn the work of God and encourage coworkers; to learn about the people/ culture of Russia and to have fellowship with the Thompson family and St. Petersburg UBF coworkers.

Sarah Little read the Short Term Mission (STM) report by Pauline Ahn who is now in Uganda. Pauline asked us to pray for Dr. Luke L. who will serve the upcoming African Regional SBC and to oversee the construction of Bethesda hospital. M Esther C. is serving her Romans Bible study. Dr. Joseph is going fishing and studies the Bible with sheep. Pray for their health and strength. Recently, they visited a remote area where there were no doctors. Some 400 people received the gospel. Pauline’s prays to diligently serve the ministry.

Next, there was an update on the HBF STM Trip to Ecuador (July 8 to July 18) presented by Paul Albright. While in Ecuador, they will serve the elderly, have Bible study, help local kids and learn about the people/culture of Ecuador. May God help each member to have a personal encounter with Christ. May God plant a seed of world mission in the hearts of all members.

A PUST update and prayer topics were given by Dr. Paul Koh. Currently 380 students are enrolled and recently 100 NK freshmen were recruited. PUST currently has 45 professors, 30 of whom are foreigners. May God send qualified faculty volunteers and bless the medical mission trip on September 22-29.

Afterward, prayer topics/announcements were given by P. Ron who encouraged us to obey Jesus’ Great Commission and pray for Muslim mission, ME conference as well as 3 Africa regional conferences. The meeting concluded with the encouraging remarks of Pastor Abraham followed by 5 by 5 prayers. This was a very meaningful WMN as we saw the diversity and unity of the work of the Holy Spirit in the world.

By Dr. Jose Ahn & DK