Marriage between M. John Jeong and Hannah Hong

Downey UBF (Los Angeles, California)

At 11 a.m. on a very sunny day on the 22nd of June 2012, God established a beautiful family between M. John Jeong (Davis, CA) and Hannah Hong (Baltimore, Maryland) at the Downey UBF center in Los Angeles. Many guests, such as Dr. James and Dr. Sarah Kim, Grace Lee, and Sunji Jun from Chicago and guests from Korea, Springfield, Boston, Davis, and Downy, came to celebrate this wedding. 

M. Isaac Kim officiated the wedding ceremony. He blessed the couple with John 2:1-11, “The Wedding in Galilee.” On the third day of his public ministry, Jesus came and blessed the wedding in Cana in Galilee. Jesus changed water into choice wine. This was possible because Mary prayed and the servants absolutely obeyed Jesus’ command. Jesus showed how the kingdom of God is like a joyful wedding.  

M. Hannah Hong was born in Korea as the youngest daughter of M. Peter and Ana Hong (Baltimore UBF). She came to the USA at the age of 6. She had difficulties in her youth until she found her identity as a daughter of God by meeting Jesus who forgave all her inner hidden sins. She became a co-worker to her parents after witnessing the changing work of God among American young people through the shepherding of her parents. John Jeong was born in Korea as the third and youngest son of Abraham and Eunju Jeong (Kwanak V UBF, Korea). He grew up obeying his father absolutely while imitating his older brother as a role model. Later, God sent him to Davis, CA to pursue his PhD after finishing graduate courses at Seoul National University. His faith grew from dependent faith on his father and brother into independent faith living in a foreign land all by himself. When he was ready to stand before God, God provided him this beautiful family. May God bless them to change many students’ lives from water into wine. David Min, David Lee, James Hopeman, and Jose Ahn blessed them with prayer. Lydia Hopeman sang The Lord’s Prayer and the Downey UBF orchestra played the Angel’s Serenade followed by the marriage proclamation and reception at the Downey UBF center.


